Sweden Executes Two Cycles & Crosses – Sweden’s Niklas Kronwall (#7) Goal

Special thanks to Nikolas Sturmankin http://www.eliteprospects.com/player.php?player=130164
for telling me where to find this video. Nick coached with me with the TBHF National Development Program and played for Erzurum Genclik Sports Club. 

Well executed crosses and cycles force the defender to choose a man and create 2 v. 1’s.

Tactic Cycles:

  • Move the puck to open space when under pressure
  • Cycle when under pressure


  • Communication
  • The defenders skates should be pointing in the same direction of yours

Tactics Cross:

  • Crosses can be executed any where on the ice

Types of Crosses

  • Hand Off
  • Cross & Pass
  • Cross Behind
  • Cross In-front
  • Cross Using Board Pass

In both cycles Sweden executes, notice the defenders skates are pointing in the same direction of puck carrier.

In both crosses, Sweden froze the defenders.

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