New York Ranger Makes Bad Pinch on Forecheck Which Leads to 2 v 1

Definition of Pinch:

Pinching is when the defenceman in the offensive zone moves down the boards to get puck or make a check on winger. The job of the pinching defenceman is to keep the puck in the zone or at least make the body check on the winger.


  • The defenceman must read when to press and when to back out of zone
  • The forwards must read, when to backcheck and lock middle

Four Keys To A Good Pinch:

  • There should be pressure by the forwards down low
  • There must be a forward in position to support up the middle ice
  • The pinching defenceman must get there before or at the same time as the puck
  • The pinching defender must get the puck or make the check
  • The defenceman can pinch when puck is shot around boards
  • One forward must always be backchecking up middle ice to support the defender

The New York Rangers have 4 players along boards. The Rangers fail to have a forward backchecking up middle ice to lock the middle and stop the 2 v 1. The New Jersey Devils do a good job out numbering the Rangers and forming 2 v 1’s.

Do Not Pinch :

  • When the offensive team has clear possession of puck
  • When there is no support coming up middle ice
  • When the opposition out numbers you
  • When you can not arrive first or at same time as the opposition

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Power Thoughts:

 A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals.

-Larry Bird


Sports Psychology Tips:

Model Others to Build Success:
Modeling performance can help you in many areas of your life. Modeling can make learning easier. Look to model people you respect. For example, you admire how a team mate skates, or how a NHL player scores goals or plays defense. Identify, what they do best and learn from them. Watching other great performers, is fastest way to learn. You will be surprised how many coaches and athletes are willing to help you succeed. The key is to make contact and ask for advise.
  • Emulate people with exceptional skills
  • Watch people you admire
  • Find a mentor

Updated 8\10\12

Greg Louganis won gold medals at the 1984 and 1988 

Greg Louganis interview with CNN Europe Live August 10, 2012 “said” China has modeled all the best diver in the world. Greg Louganis  is head of Team USA Diving Mentoring program. 

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