Intermediate Coaching Check List For Running Successful Hockey Practices

Running A Good Practice:

    • Have a yearly plan for practice
    •  Have your drill organized with progressions
    •  Have a precise plan for every practice
    •  Plan each practice down to the minute 
    •  Name your drills  
    •  If drill is not working, change it!
    •  Safety is a must at all times
    •  Always take breaks for water
    •  Avoid long, drawn out talks
    •  Use short precise language
    •  Break things down into key points & words
    •  Write your practice plan out and post it for your players to see 
    •  Have whistle & coaching board
    •  Make sure you have cones/pylons
    • Have 2-4 sets of colored practice jerseys 
    • Make sure your assistants understand practice plan
    • Know what your objectives are for the practice
    • Know Your teaching points
    • Keep your instructions clear and short
    • Make sure you keep hockey fun for kids
    • Determine your order of  individual & team development
    • Decide on your coaching priorities and write them down
    • Create written practice plan –  5×8 card
    • Maximize reps & touches should be priority
    • Practice basic skills development on all levels
    •  80-20 Rule – 80% Basic Skills-20% All other Activities 
    •  Choose age & ability-Appropriate drills
    •  Modify drill to match abilities do not get frustrated make the drill easier
    •  Structure your teaching points into drills
    •  Don’t do any one thing for too long
    •  Know how & when to use pressure to develop skills & tactics
    •  When talking to team always put your back to boards and have players form half circle
    •  Three whistle means bring it in
    •  Two whistle means stop
    •  One whistle means start drill
    •  Movement is Focus!  If players stand around their mind wonders
    •  Progress simple to complex
    •  Progress slow to fast
    •  Progress short movement to longer movements
    •  Progress from one skill to combined skill activities
    •  Dynamic Warm-up & Stretches Off-Ice 
    •  Start With An Intelligent Warm-Up – Kids Love Pucks
    •  Small-Sided Games – Always end with game
    •  Stretch & Cool Down Off Ice

    Things To Do:

    • Use the Internet to learn skills, tactics & systems
    • Watch other youth teams practice
    • Watch Pro, College or Junior teams practice
    • ፝Attend Seminar
    • Sign up to take coaching certification program
    • Start a drill library
    • Record & rate every practice

    Common Mistakes:

    • Failing to hold a parent meeting
    • Failing to set clear expectations with parents & players
    • Failing to have a team manager
    • Avoiding parents
    • Skating team when they do not understand your drill
    • Wasting practice time on conditioning that can be done off-ice
    • Focusing on low-priority drills
    • Failing to fix obvious technical problems
    • Failing to videotape games and some practices
    • Failing to take work segments
    • Doing the same drills over and over again
    • Measuring success & failure on wins and losses

    Power Thoughts:
    • The worst team can become the best team with good practice
    • Praise specific & often
    • Praise appropriately
    • Spread your praise

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