24 Defensive Rules For Every Youth Hockey Coach

Having a well-organized and structured defense is a goal that every coach should set for his/her team. Defensive rules are important for teaching young players team work, aggressiveness and discipline. Players must learn at an early age that good defense play, creates offensive chances.  These 24 rules are easy to teach and the foundation for a future good defensive player. 

This list applies for age groups, where there is no body checking:

  1. Safety – No contact from behind.
  2. Safety – No head contact.
  3. Keep two hands on stick.
  4. Keep stick on ice.
  5. Call penalties in practice. 
  6. Skating fundamentals are key to being successful.
  7. Players must always see the puck.
  8. Communicate 
  9. Man-You-Goal Principle.
  10. Pressure on puck carrier.
  11. Use the stick to steer the puck carrier where you want him/her to go.
  12. Pressure on even situations.
  13. Protect middle ice on uneven situations.
  14. Force the puck carrier to the boards.
  15. Block shooting lanes with your body.
  16. Teach players to have active smart stick.
  17. Defensive rebound, “skate to boards or clear to corner.
  18. Off Puck Defense – Make sure players, do not just focus on and follow the puck. 
  19. Teach players to protect goal & slot.
  20. All players must master angling, curve skating and stick checks
  21. Pressure your man before he/she has control of the puck.
  22. The low man wins on defense.
  23. Take away what the offense wants.
  24. Teach drills that stress transition play.

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Power Thoughts:

“The best defense is a good offence”

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