2 v 2 Read Rush: Woman National Team Turkey 2011


  • Keep your stick out in front
  • Stay between the forward and the net
  • Keep the ice divided, once the puck crosses the blue line
  • Force the puck carrier down the boards
  • Always play tight gap on even situations

  • What do the defenders see?
  • Even situation tight gap & pressure up
  • Read, Communicate, Pressure Up & Contain

  • Look off puck and read play
  • Always know where your man is and the puck

  • Great Gap Control 1 Stick Length at Blue Line 

  • Defenders skates are at angle
  • Stick out in front of body
  • Forcing puck carrier to backhand 
  • Leading puck carrier into dead position- less then 1% of goals are scored from in box
  • Forcing puck carrier to back hand
  • The Off side defender has man-close gap
  • Backchecking wing is in good position player man-you-goal
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Power Thoughts:

“The superior man blames himself. The inferior man blames others.” –Don Shula

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