Center Defensive Zone Face Off Responsibility 5 v 4 – White Caps v. Başkent Yıldızları Spor Kulübü

Tactics:   5 v 4 Face Off :

  • Center  covers center then goes to cover point
  • The center is key to setting up box or diamond formations
  • Defense strong side picks up offensive center and forms box or diamond
  • Wing going through middle 
  • Center goes to other point


  • Win,  loose puck or loss face off
  • Center needs to read where the wing went on lost face off


  • Execute stops and start
  • Active smart sticks
  • Get out the point man quickly, but in control
  • Always face the play
  • Body in shooting lane, stick passing lanes
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Power Thoughts:

The only correct actions are those that demand no explanation and no apology.  Red Auerbach
Natural abilities are like natural plants; they need pruning by study. –Red Auerbach

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