Keith McAdams Coaching Tips: Teaching Highlights IIHF World Champiohsips , Divi…

PR Korea Play Aggressive 1-2-1 Penalty Killing Trap

Keys: (1-2-1)

  • First man has to pressure puck carrier
  • Force the puck to the puck to be moved to boards.
  • Pressuring the puck carrier, pass and lose puck
  • Hold the defensive blue line

Ireland Gives Turkey the Win! 

1.  Shot scored from before red line.
2.  Defensive zone face off, Ireland forward fails to put body in shooting lane.
3.  Ireland had four power plays face offs in the offensive zone, lost the draws and failed to pressure the loose puck. 

Ireland Fails to Play Man-You-Goal:   (IRE-LUX)

Playing Rules:
  • Always Play Man You Goal in all Three Zones
  • Only Have One Man on Boards, Others Players Off Boards
Defensive Zone Face Off – Mental Mistake Ireland

Responsibilities Defensive Zone Face Off   (Ireland)
  • Center on Center
  • Defense on Wings & Stay with Your Man
  • Wing in Middle, Stops for Loose Puck or Goes Out to Point.
  • Wing on Out Side Goes Out to Point

Related Videos & Teaching Points:

Power Thoughts:

“When you win nothing hurts.”

-Joe Namath

“When you lose everything hurts.”

-John Maxwell

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