Monthly Archives: August 2012

Korea Support, Pass, Cross & Cycle

  • Cycle and Cross

  • Man at net is screening goalie

  • Move to corner to support

  • Move, Pass and Cross

  • Stop & Support and Cycle

Related Videos & Teaching Points:

Power Thoughts:

“You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.”

-Zig Ziglar

“If you don’t see yourself as a winner, then you cannot perform as a winner.”
-Zig Ziglar

Defensive Zone Mistakes: Turkey v. Korea World University Games 2011 – Part 1:


  • Turkey does not seem to have any set coverage.

Five Turkish players are in straight line.


  • Always put immediate pressure on puck carrier.
  • The center or wing need to provide defensive support
  • Always face the play
  • Keep one eye on puck carrier and one eye on your man
  • See the man away from puck
    Related Videos & Teaching Points:

    Power Thoughts:

    “You are what you practice most.” 
    ― Richard Carlson

    “Professionalism means doing your best, even when you don’t feel like it.”

    ~ Glenn Shepard

    Sports Psychology Tips:

    Great Athletes Learn to Break the 15 Minute Barrier: Great athletes know they do not have to feel like practicing. Sometimes you just need to practice first and feeling will come later. The key is to get your body in motion and the right emotions will follow. Once your start moving, you can break the negative energy holding your back. It takes about 15 minutes to get the right juices flowing. Start your warm-up routine and start training. Do not let negative feeling stop you from training. Just start, do not stop and you’ll be glad you did.

    Keith McAdams Coaching Tips: New York Ranger Michael Del Zotto Defends Perfect …

    New York Ranger Michael Del Zotto Defends Perfect 2 v 1

    2 v 1 Defensive Read the Rush:

    • Good body & stick positioning 
    • Quick sticks & anticipation 
    • Stick well out in front of you, ready to deflect pass 
    • The  ‘D’  must stay up & in the middle of the ice between the forwards 
    • The ‘D’ should keep the puck wide 
    • If a pass be made back to the slot, the ‘D’ must pressure and attack the slot 
    • The ‘D’ should keep a tight gap 
    • Goalie should call I have the shooter

    Do Not:
    • Do not give up huge gap through center ice
    • Do not back up into goalie
    • Do not commit to one forward
    Teaching Notes:
    • At higher levels you can not allow the players to shoot from slot
    • Defenders must develop fakes stick checks & checks
    Power Thoughts:

    Coach George Halas: Brian Piccolo died of cancer at the age of 26. He left a wife and three daughters. He also left a great many loving friends who miss and think of him often. But when they think of him, it’s not how he died that they remember – but how he lived. How he did live!

    “I don’t care to be remembered as the man who scored six touchdowns in a game. I want to be remembered as a winner in life.” -Gale Sayers

    Brian’s Song. Great Movie

    Ernest Hemingway once said “Every true story ends in death.” Well, this is a true story.

    Please see Jimmy V Foundation

    Sports Psychology Tips:

    Three Things To Do Now, To Improve Your Performance:

     If you want to practice as good as an Olympic Gold Medalist; You need to match your attitude, emotionally energy and enthusiasm. You have 100% control over your attitude, emotional energy, and enthusiasm. Great athletes focus on things they can control. You can improve your game now, by focusing on improving your:
    1. Attitude
    2. Emotional Energy 
    3. Enthusiasm

    Keith McAdams Coaching Tips: Teaching Highlights IIHF World Champiohsips , Divi…

    PR Korea Play Aggressive 1-2-1 Penalty Killing Trap

    Keys: (1-2-1)

    • First man has to pressure puck carrier
    • Force the puck to the puck to be moved to boards.
    • Pressuring the puck carrier, pass and lose puck
    • Hold the defensive blue line

    Ireland Gives Turkey the Win! 

    1.  Shot scored from before red line.
    2.  Defensive zone face off, Ireland forward fails to put body in shooting lane.
    3.  Ireland had four power plays face offs in the offensive zone, lost the draws and failed to pressure the loose puck. 

    Ireland Fails to Play Man-You-Goal:   (IRE-LUX)

    Playing Rules:
    • Always Play Man You Goal in all Three Zones
    • Only Have One Man on Boards, Others Players Off Boards
    Defensive Zone Face Off – Mental Mistake Ireland

    Responsibilities Defensive Zone Face Off   (Ireland)
    • Center on Center
    • Defense on Wings & Stay with Your Man
    • Wing in Middle, Stops for Loose Puck or Goes Out to Point.
    • Wing on Out Side Goes Out to Point

    Related Videos & Teaching Points:

    Power Thoughts:

    “When you win nothing hurts.”

    -Joe Namath

    “When you lose everything hurts.”

    -John Maxwell

    1 v 1 Defensive Tactic – Force Puck Carier to Backhand

    • Forcing the puck carrier to backhand

                                                                                                        click to enlarge


    • Tight gap control
    • Good stick position – Taking away forehand

    • Open the door to backhand
    • Stick out in front of your body
    • Elbow bent, stick in close to body, ready to poke check

    • Force the player outside the dots
    • Pressure up, when puck carrier commits to backhand 

    Related Videos & Teaching Points:

    Power Thoughts:

    Your attitude is either the lock or the key to the door of success. -Anonymous

    DPR Korea 1-2-1 Trap Center Ice

    Strategy & System:

    • 1-2-1 Penalty Killing Trap

    Keys: (1-2-1)

    • First man has to pressure puck carrier
    • Force the puck to be moved to boards
    • Pressure the pass receiver as he\she receives puck 

    Teaching Points:

    Three reason DPR Korea was successful with trap in World Championships

    1. Circular approach to pressure puck carrier
    2. Forcing the puck carrier to back hand
    3. Circular approach to pressure pass receiver

      Related Videos & Teaching Points:

      Power Thoughts:

      “Competitive toughness is an acquired skill and not an inherited gift.”-Chris Evert

      Playing Rules Clear the Puck to the Corner and Always Pressure on Loose Pucks 2010-11

      World University Games 2011
      Playing Rules:
      • Always clear the puck to the corner
      • Always pressure on lose pucks and clears

      Related Videos & Teaching Points:

      Power Thoughts:

      “A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success.”  –Joyce Brothers

      “Self-image sets the boundaries of individual accomplishment.”
      -Maxwell Maltz

      Sports Psychology Tips:

      Turkish National Champions 2011-12

      Building Self-Worth Through Sports

      We base our Team’s success on players having a great attitude and work ethic. It is mistake to develop kids self-worth on wins and loses or who is the best player. We never worry about winning. Every kid can not become a professional player. We want our players to base their self-image on attitude and work ethic.  We want this to become a life time habit.

      The ERZURUM GENÇLİK 14 team has only lost one game in two seasons. We never once have talked about winning!  We only focus on the process of improving.  Self-esteem can be enhanced by positive experiences in sports. We stress to players, If they have a good attitude and work hard they are successful 

      We stress the following every day:


      Six Reasons Why the Boston Bruins Won Stanley the Cup In 2010-11

      1. Playing aggressive – Pressure
      2. Puck protection
      3. Passing
      4. Defense holding blue line
      5. Screening, tipping, rebounding
      6. Pressuring up on all loose pucks

      Related Videos & Teaching Points:
      Power Thoughts:
        “Sweat, plus sacrifice, equals success”
       –Charles Finlay
      “The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.”
      – Vince Lombardi

      “The best and fastest way to learn a sport is to watch and imitate a champion.”
      – Jean-Claude Killy

      Sports Psychology Tips:

      Four Stages of Competence:   

      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      1. Unconscious incompetence
        The individual does not understand or know how to do something and does not necessarily recognize the deficit. They may deny the usefulness of the skill. The individual must recognise their own incompetence, and the value of the new skill, before moving on to the next stage.[2] The length of time an individual spends in this stage depends on the strength of the stimulus to learn.[3]
      2. Conscious incompetence
        Though the individual does not understand or know how to do something, he or she does recognize the deficit, as well as the value of a new skill in addressing the deficit. The making of mistakes can be integral to the learning process at this stage.[4]
      3. Conscious competence
        The individual understands or knows how to do something. However, demonstrating the skill or knowledge requires concentration. It may be broken down into steps, and there is heavy conscious involvement in executing the new skill.[3]
      4. Unconscious competence
        The individual has had so much practice with a skill that it has become “second nature” and can be performed easily. As a result, the skill can be performed while executing another task. The individual may be able to teach it to others, depending upon how and when it was learned.

      Mastery involves moving through all four of these learning stages. You need to allow your brain to go from conscious to unconscious performance. You can increase the competency of your skills by practicing physically and mental. I think most coaches and athletes know about mental training. But how many of you, make mental training and visualization part of your daily practice routines? The unconscious mind lets it just happen, instead of you making it happen. The unconscious mind is the key, that opens the door to flow state, being in the zone or peak performance. In hockey, skill development can take a long time.  But mental training can help you now. When you prepare mentally, it limits interference and increases skill development. 

      Six Critical Mistakes on Defensive Rush – Japan v. Turkey 2011

      Teaching Points: (Mistakes)

      •  The defender pivots towards the boards

      •   The forward makes a controlled turn  towards boards


      • Both Defenders are giving away ice 


      •  The forward turn and skates backwards

      •  All five players are on one side of the ice


      • Turkey fails to pick up the man on the backcheck


      Related Videos & Teaching Points:


      Japan Breakout and 3 v 2 Tactics, World University Games 2011


      Strategy & System:  
      •  3-2 Breakout Low – Center & Wing Change Lanes

      •  Always Communicate and Support


      • Reading the pressure


      • Escape Move by defense
      •  Changing Lane

      •  Attacking the defender

      •  Offensive triangle
      Related Videos & Teaching Points:
      Power Thoughts:
      A winner never whines.
      -Paul Brown