Defensive Zone Coverage Mistakes By Turkey: World University Game 2011 – Part 2

Turkey Fails to Execute Following Teaching Points:

Turkey allowed Korea to set up 2 v 1’s throughout game 

Defensive Zone Mistakes: Turkey v. Korea World University Games 2011 – Part 1:


  • Turkey does not seem to have any set coverage.

Five Turkish players are in straight line.


Teaching Points 2-1-2 Woman’s World University Games 2011

Strategy & System:


Related Videos & Teaching Points:

Power Thoughts:

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”
–William A. Ward

Sports Psychology Tips:

The problem maybe with your thoughts or feelings, but the answer is in actions. Create a plan, set goals and take action today.  Everyday you need to be taking action to achieve your goals and dreams. 

Take Action Today:
“Never confuse movement with action.”
Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961)

                     Micheal Phelps – 5 YEARS NO DAYS OFF

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