Baskent Bad Defensive Rush

Teaching Points:

  • Defense Must Skate Backwards
  • Tight Gap – 1 Stick
  • Do Not Turn Your Back to Play
  • See the Players Away from the Puck
  • Stick On Ice – Block Passing Lanes
Related Videos & Teaching Points:

Six Critical Mistakes on Defensive Rush – Japan v. Turkey 2011

Turkey – PR Korea Defensive Read the Rush

In this video the defense communicates 2 times to the forward to pick up man. But the forwards fails to get to middle ice and pick up his man. Forwards need to backcheck between the dots.

Power Thoughts:

“I think what children need is love, security, stability, consistency, and kindness.
-Rosie O’Donnell 

“If we can play like that every week we’ll get some level of consistency.
-Alex Ferguson 

Sports Psychology Tips:
Consistency with mental and physical training is the key contributor to winning. The bottom line is success is achieved through consistency.  Consistency in your training, words, thoughts, energy, and attention to details. It is the consistency of your focus to improve everyday. You’ve got to be consistent, if you are going to produce high results.

  • Follow a training schedule
  • Set daily routines for yourself
  • Do not let feelings interfere with your consistency
  • Keep a record of training sessions
  • Keep a journal how you performed
  • Set new goals at the end of each day

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