New York Yankees – Leadership and Team Is Everything:

New York Yankees  $29 million-a-season slugger is benched in bottom of the ninth inning. How did  Alex Rodriguez  handle it?   The  37-year-old Alex Rodriguez handled it with class and responded the Yankees way.  He cheered for his team mate.  

 “I’m one of the leaders of his team; maybe 10 years ago I react a much different way, but I’m at a place in my career right now where team means everything.” – Alex Rodriguez

Work Hard, Wait Patiently, Stay Positive and Perform When Given Chance:

 Raul Ibanez  tied the game with a homer in the bottom of the 9th inning. Raul Ibanez than won the game in the bottom of the 12th with a solo home run. 

The New York Yankees way, is about team. The Yankees have lots of talent. But talent does not guarantee championships. To be a member of the Yankees, players need to do their job and fulfill their role. When your not playing, players need to stay positive and cheer on their team mates. The Yankees have won 27 World Series, 40 American League Pennants and 18 East Division Titles. 

Power Thoughts:   

One of the major reason the Yankees are so successful is leadership. Derek Jeter is considered one of the greatest leaders in sports. Jeter  leads both in the locker room and on the field with his performance. Jeter is a role model for all the players in baseball.
Derek Jeter
The basic building block of good team building is for a leader to promote the feeling that every human being is unique and adds value. 
                                                                                                                        – Anonymous
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. 
                                                                                -Michael Jordan

Related Videos & Teaching Points:

Four on Four Small Game 
We have four goalies right now. This is a great drill for under 12 players. The players really enjoy this drill.
Rules (Adjust the Game):
  • You can play 4 v 4,  3 v 3 or 2 v 2 
  • Players can shoot on any of the four goals
  • You have to make 1 to 3 passes before shooting
  • Execute a cross or cycle before shooting


  • Escape Moves – Skating
  • Stickhandling
  • Puck protection
  • Passing
  • Shooting, Saves and Rebounding


  • Take puck to net
  • Move away from pressure
  • Escape moves
  • Switching point of attack
  • Forces players to play good  man to man defensive coverage
  • Crossing and Cycles

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