Canada Offensive Face Off and Pick 2012 WC


  • Always have a plan for all face offs
  • Center always communicates plan with other players

  • Both wings are moving forward to goal
  • Center move the puck to point and sets pick
  • Puck at point skate to net
Defensive Mistake:
  • Kazakhstan center fails to stay with center. 


  • Read who won face off and execute resposibilities
Related Videos & Teaching Points:

USA Creating Problems for Finland on Defensive Zone Face Offs

Offensive Face Off TUR GRE 2012 WC – Solak Great Job

Power Thoughts:
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by 
the seeds you plant.” 
-Robert Louis Stevenson

Coaching Tip:

You can’t overload your players with to many details. Break things down into easy to understand components. Limit the amount of new material you teach at any one practice. 

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