1 v 1 Angling Drills

Defensive Zone 1v 1 Attack


  1. Place 2 cones just short of mid-court on the right side of the court.
  2. Players start on the goal line , opposite the cones.
  3. The player on the boards has the puck.
  4. On “whistle,” both players take off at full speed.
  5. Both players go around to middle ice towards goal.
  6. The player with the puck becomes offense and the player without the ball becomes the defense.
  7. Drill and with shot and rebound
  8. Pick up puck and play, second 1 v 1.

*The advantage in this drill is to the offensive player.

Full Ice Double X 1 v 1:  Shooting Under Light Pressure


  1. Place 2 cones on the rink, a little higher than the face off circle.
  2. Place 2 cone at red line.
  3. Players start on the goal line.
  4. The player middle ice has the puck.
  5. On “whistle,” both players take off at full speed.
  6. The players with the puck and the defender cross around the cones two times.
  7. Once clearing the second set of cones, the puck handler attacks the goal. The defender plays the 1 v 1. 
*Great drill for developing speed with puck and shooting under light pressure.

Double X 1 v 1:  Angling

  1. Place 2 cones on the rink, a little higher than the face off circle.
  2. Place 2 cone at red line.
  3. Players start on the goal line.
  4. The player on boards has the puck.
  5. On “whistle,” both players take off at full speed.
  6. The players with the puck and the defender cross around the cones two times.
  7. Once clearing the second set of cones, the puck handler attacks the goal. The defender plays the 1 v 1. 
*Great drill for developing speed, angling and toughness and shooting under tight  pressure.

                                                                           Shooting Under Light Pressure           


Angling 1 v 1 Plus Offensive Control

                                                 Adjust the cones to, change difficulty. 

  1. Place cones on the side rink.
  2.  F1 must skate forward around the cone before cutting to middle.
  3. The Defender take a good angle on the puck carrier.
  4. On “whistle,” both players take off at full speed and play 1 v 1.
  5. After shot or check, both players play a second 1 v 1 in offensive zone. 

These drills work on puck handling, explosiveness, decision making, defense in transition, finishing and are great conditioners. They are also high intensity and a lot of fun so players will enjoy them.

Related Videos & Teaching Points:

1 v 1 Defensive Tactic – Force Puck Carier to Backhand

Defense Pressuring Up Finishing Check and Going Up on Rush:

Power Thoughts:

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.
 Jim Rohn

There is a real magic in enthusiasm.

It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment.
– Norman Vincent Peale

The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling,
but in rising again after you fall.
– Vince Lombardi

Teaching Tips:

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