Category Archives: abraham Lincoln

Evander Kane Offensive Rush

Tactics:  Offensive Rush; Taking the Middle Lane

  • Read the Space
  • Read the Stick
  • Take the Middle Lane
  • Gain the Middle Lane Take the Shot

  • Take the shot or make the easy pass

    Related Videos & Teaching Points:

    Evander Kane Creating Space To Shoot

    Power Thoughts:

    If you look for the bad in people
    expecting to find it, you surely will.

    – Abraham Lincoln

    Sports Psychology Tips:

    Four Strategies for In-Between Time in Hockey

    1. Eliminate Negative Self-Talk

    When the whistle blows during a game or practice, use it as a signal to change negative thoughts into positives. Immediately use positive thoughts, affirmation. or cue words to get focused and evoke a good performance.

    2. Reduce Fatigue

    In-between time is the perfect time to take charge of your breathing.  You are responsible for your focus and energy; There is plenty of time in hockey to take a deep breath through your nose, hold it for 5 or 6 seconds and exhale slowly through your mouth. Proper breathing techniques will allow your to get centered and energized.

    3. The Power of the Replay

    Use the in-between time in the game or breaks in the practice to replay in your mind the perfect play. Use visualization to create positive neural pathways. Mental imagery in turn creates a habit, or neural pathway in the brain, programming your body’s actions in the future. Use the break in the game to reinforce good plays or correct mistakes.

    4. Shake Out Any Muscle Tension

    Progressive Muscle Relaxation is a strategy you can carry out in just a few seconds. Simply tighten your muscle as hard as you can and hold for at least three seconds, then release. You will feel the muscles relax immediately. This can be used any time during a break in the game or practice

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