Category Archives: Adam Graves

Derek Jeter Will Go Down In History As One Of Greatest Leaders In Sports


  1. To be successful you must have a good captain.
  2. To win a championship, you need more than one leader on the club. 
  3. Coaches need to spend time nurturing and developing leaders. 

Since Derek Jeter  joined the New York Yankees in 1995, the club has qualified for the play offs 14 out 15 years. There is little doubt Derek Jeter is the leader and the most valuable player of the New York Yankees. This season the Yankees over came injuries to key players, but still had the best record in the American League. The Yankees beat the Baltimore Orioles in five games to go on to the American League Championship Series.  In the championship series,  when Derek Jeter broke his ankle in the first game against the Detroit Tigers, the Yankees never recovered. There was a leadership void.  The Yankees than went on to lose four straight games.  For the first time in 15 years, the Yankees looked like a club playing without heart. It was evident without Jeter in the line up, the club lacked leadership and energy. 

MARIANO RIVERA has been a leader on the Yankees since 1996. Rivera was lost to injury early in the season. When Derek Jeter went down with injury, no one on the Yankees stepped up to be the next leader. 

Has the New York  Yankees Era of Championship Teams Ended?

George Steinbrenner

I grew up a New York Mets fan. I became a Yankees fan because of George Steinbrenner. Mr. Steinbrenner  wanted to win championships more than any other owner in sports. Fans either loved or hated Steinbrenner, but no one could question his commitment to building a winning team. The management of the Yankees are calling the 2012 season a success. Under the leadership of George  Steinbrenner this season would be considered a failure. 

George Steinbrenner would never;

  •  Declare this season a success
  •  Blame injuries for the loss 

George Steinbrenner would have;

  • Held the players accountable for their performance
  • Management would have been held to higher standards for results

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Mark Messier Guarantee Win:

Mark Messier is known as one of the greatest leader in hockey. But throughout his career, he has always had other good leaders around him. In New York Messier had Brian Leetch and Adam Graves. 

Brian Leetch 

Adam Graves

Power Thoughts:
“If you want to take your mission in life to the next level, if you’re stuck and you don’t know how to rise, don’t look outside yourself. Look inside. Don’t let your fears keep you mired in the crowd. Abolish your fears and raise your commitment level to the point of no return, and I guarantee you that the Champion Within will burst forth to propel you toward victory.”

– Bruce Jenner
“I am a member of a team, and I rely on the team, I defer to it and sacrifice for it, because the team, not the individual, is the ultimate champion.”
-Mia Hamm 

Sports Psychology Tips: