Category Archives: Baskent v HSC Continental Cup

Attacking the Seam Without Puck to Open Shooting Lanes

Principles:   Power Play
  • Control Breakout, Sure Entry, Possession and Set Up
  • Be a Threat to Score


  • Attack the Seams with or without puck

Teaching Points:

  • Keep the Puck Moving
  • Good Power Plays Keep the Players Moving
  • Support Low, Middle and High
  • Move Up and Down the Rink
  • Move Across or Diagonal on the Rink
  • Attack the Seam Without Puck
  • Attack the Seams with Puck
  • Open Up Shooting Lane

Coaching Tips: 
 Three Stages of Becoming 
Great Coach

1. An average coach impresses players.

2. A good coach impacts players.

3. A great coach inspires players for a lifetime.

Sports Psychology Tips:  Three Types of Goals; Performance, Process and Outcome Goals

Performance goals are things you can do that you are 100% control of  such as the number of hours you will train and number of repetition in gym. Performance goals focus on success or failure at the task.

Process goals focus on mastering specific skills such as skating, puck control,  passing and shooting.  Executing process goals increase the probability of achieving your desired outcome.  Process goals break things down into manageable components or actions to improve your tactical and technical skill development.

Outcome goals such as “I want to make the national team” or “win the championship” etc. However, outcome goals are usually not under your full control. Outcome goals can be huge motivational factor or become a major source of pressure and frustration. Athletes must balance performance, process and outcome goals to reach their optimum motivational level.

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