Category Archives: coaching symposium

Vancouver 2011 Playoffs – Pressure on Lost Face Off

Playing Rule:

  • Always pressure with two men on lost face offs on power play
Teaching Points:

  • Pressure on all lost face offs
  • Defense hold blue line
  • Always go to net when puck is at the point
  • Always be screening, tipping and rebounding

Related Videos & Teaching Points:

Offensive Power Play Face Off – Turkey Greece 2012 World Championships


  • Blocking Out Man
  • Screening, Tipping and Rebounding

Canada Offensive Face Off and Pick 2012 WC

  • Always have a plan for all face offs
  • Center always communicates plan with other players

Power Thoughts:

“For every disciplined effort there is a multiple reward.”
-Jim Rohn 

“Don’t wish that things were easier, wish that you were 
better.”        –Jim Rohn 

“This above all, to thine own self be true.”

– William Shakespeare

Coaching Tip:

Have a plan and sell that plan. You need to tell the guys why you are doing what you are doing. 

Canada Offensive Face Off and Pick 2012 WC


  • Always have a plan for all face offs
  • Center always communicates plan with other players

  • Both wings are moving forward to goal
  • Center move the puck to point and sets pick
  • Puck at point skate to net
Defensive Mistake:
  • Kazakhstan center fails to stay with center. 


  • Read who won face off and execute resposibilities
Related Videos & Teaching Points:

USA Creating Problems for Finland on Defensive Zone Face Offs

Offensive Face Off TUR GRE 2012 WC – Solak Great Job

Power Thoughts:
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by 
the seeds you plant.” 
-Robert Louis Stevenson

Coaching Tip:

You can’t overload your players with to many details. Break things down into easy to understand components. Limit the amount of new material you teach at any one practice. 

Baskent 4 v 4 Fails to Divide the Ice

  • Your team must know what system you are using
  • Man to man or Box Zone?

  • All good defensive clubs keep the ice divided

  • Pressure up on even situations
  • Play the body – No stick checks
  • See the puck and the players away from the puck
  • Do not turn your back to your man
  • Always block the passing lanes
  • Play man-you-goal
Related Videos & Teaching Points:

4 v 4 Hockey

Luxembourg Fails to Divide Ice IIHH WC 2012

Power Thoughts:

“Anybody can point out problems, but the valuable person is the one who finds the solutions and accepts the responsibility to implement the solution.”  -Ronn Wyckoff

Coaching Tip:

Players need to know, you care about their development. You must provide players a couple of things to do to improve their game. 

Japan Breakout and 3 v 2 Tactics, World University Games 2011


  • Be a threat to score

Related Videos & Teaching Points:

3 v 3 Rush (Offensive Triangle)

Offensive Triangle
1. Move the Puck before Blue Line.
2. Enter the Zone Wide
3. 2nd Man into Zone Drive to Net
4. 3rd Man Forms Triangle

The middle man must drive to net to open up space in slot.

New York Rangers Ottawa Senators – 19 Brad Richards 3 v 2 Pick:

Tactics: Picks\Screens For Puck Carrier

  • The  player without puck skates into the lane of defense 
  • The pick must be set in the direction the puck carrier is skating
  • The pick can be set skating is straight line or cross
  • Do not make contact with the defender


  •  The player skates in same lane as puck carrier

  •  The man without the puck make the defense give up space and turn towards boards

  •  The picker skate right into the defenders space, without making body contact

  • The picker created passing lane

Tactics: 3 v 1

  • Attack the Defender

  • The space
  • Read the stick – Pass before you are within stick length of the defender.


  • The puck carrier must attack the defender 1 V 1
  • The puck carrier must make the defender commit
  • The man without puck must level off outside the reach of stick (3M Rule)
  • The man without the puck goes behind the defender, he can not receive the pass

Power Thoughts:

“Some people say that I have an attitude- Maybe I do. But I think that you have to. You have to believe in yourself when no one else does- that makes you a winner right there.”
-Venus Williams 

“It’s easy to have faith in yourself and have discipline when you’re a winner, when you’re number one. What you got to have is faith and discipline when you’re not a winner.

-Vince Lombardi 

“I firmly believe that any man’s finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle – victorious.”
-Vince Lombardi 

When you make a mistake, there are only three things you should ever do about it:
1. Admit it. 2. Learn from it, and 3. Don’t repeat it.”  Paul “Bear” Bryant (Great Football Coach)

Sports Psychology Tips:

All Winners Suffer Setbacks:
Every winner has lost and every losers can win. Your past does not determine your future.  How you handle your loss, determines if you will win again.  

  • Winners are willing to risk losing
  • Winners get knocked down, pick themselves up,  dust themselves off and ride again
  • Winners take responsibility for the loss and learn from it
  • Winners believe in themselves after a loss, even when others do not
  • Winners never leave the sight of loss without setting a new goal
  • Winners plan a comeback

New York Yankees – Leadership and Team Is Everything:

New York Yankees  $29 million-a-season slugger is benched in bottom of the ninth inning. How did  Alex Rodriguez  handle it?   The  37-year-old Alex Rodriguez handled it with class and responded the Yankees way.  He cheered for his team mate.  

 “I’m one of the leaders of his team; maybe 10 years ago I react a much different way, but I’m at a place in my career right now where team means everything.” – Alex Rodriguez

Work Hard, Wait Patiently, Stay Positive and Perform When Given Chance:

 Raul Ibanez  tied the game with a homer in the bottom of the 9th inning. Raul Ibanez than won the game in the bottom of the 12th with a solo home run. 

The New York Yankees way, is about team. The Yankees have lots of talent. But talent does not guarantee championships. To be a member of the Yankees, players need to do their job and fulfill their role. When your not playing, players need to stay positive and cheer on their team mates. The Yankees have won 27 World Series, 40 American League Pennants and 18 East Division Titles. 

Power Thoughts:   

One of the major reason the Yankees are so successful is leadership. Derek Jeter is considered one of the greatest leaders in sports. Jeter  leads both in the locker room and on the field with his performance. Jeter is a role model for all the players in baseball.
Derek Jeter
The basic building block of good team building is for a leader to promote the feeling that every human being is unique and adds value. 
                                                                                                                        – Anonymous
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. 
                                                                                -Michael Jordan

Related Videos & Teaching Points:

Four on Four Small Game 
We have four goalies right now. This is a great drill for under 12 players. The players really enjoy this drill.
Rules (Adjust the Game):
  • You can play 4 v 4,  3 v 3 or 2 v 2 
  • Players can shoot on any of the four goals
  • You have to make 1 to 3 passes before shooting
  • Execute a cross or cycle before shooting


  • Escape Moves – Skating
  • Stickhandling
  • Puck protection
  • Passing
  • Shooting, Saves and Rebounding


  • Take puck to net
  • Move away from pressure
  • Escape moves
  • Switching point of attack
  • Forces players to play good  man to man defensive coverage
  • Crossing and Cycles