Category Archives: Head Coach

Teaching Highlights IIHF World Champiohsips , Division 3 – April 19, 2012


It was a great win for Turkey today over PR Korea. The coaching staff of KILIC Tuncay (head Coach) KARABULUT Cagri and CIPLAK Cengiz ( assistant coaches) of Turkey have done an outstanding job. It the first time in three years, the club has played within system, dicipline and as a team. Head Coach KILIC Tuncay has done a great job utilizing the entire coaching staff, including CITAK Yucel, and the players. KILIC Tuncay has always had the right players on the ice, at the right time. He has utilized his bench well.

Other Scores
IRL -MGL 8 – 4
LUX -GRE 6 – 0


As of THU 19 APR 2012
(Ranked by highest SVS% / lowest GAA

LEPAGE Philippe -LUX 98.15 / 0.5
AALI Fikri – TUR 95.74 / 1.0

OZBAYDUGAN Levent TUR 4 2 92.31 / 2.00

ATALI Fikri – Great Save & Covers Rebound

Turkey goalkeepers came up strong again today. ATALI Fikri had a strong game and was awarded the number one star of the game. Turkey will have to have another strong game between the pipes to win against Luxembourg Saturday.

Turkey defender turns over puck behind the net. PRK takes the puck to the net for a shot, get rebound and passes to slot. PRK does good job forming offensive triangle.
Offensive Principle:
  • Be a Threat to Score – Take the puck to the net.
  • Form Offensive Triangle

Turkey Power Play Control Breakout:

Turkey Power Play Offensive Control:

Turkey fails to maintain possession of puck.

Success Principles Power Play

Always Out Number the Opposition
Set Up
Always Have Support on Both Sides of Puck

Game Notes:  Game Tomorow Turkey v. Luxembourg

Turkey has the the best power play in Group IIHF Group III.    39:13%

Luxembourg is number one in penalty Killing  Group IIHF Group III. 95.6%

# 11 HAMARAT Galip Force On Defense (1 Shift)

Galip intimidated PR Korea, by finishing his check and stopped offensive set up through the entire game. In clip you see Galip #11 doing the following good plays.
  • Pressuring Up in Offensive Zone, Stick in Passing Lane, Stops & Starts (No Control Turns)
  • Stopping Set Up (Pressuring Puck Carrier as he enters zone)
  • Defense on Wing  Pressuring Up(Defensive Face Off Coverage)
  • Finishes Check & Carries Puck Out Of Zone
  • Shoots Puck In
  • Shot On Goal
  • Pressure Up (Stopping Set Up)
  • Breakout Pass



Teaching Highlights IIHF World Champiohsips , Division 3 – April 15, 2012

DPR Korea Weak Side Breakout Pass & Offensive Control

The defense must pass the puck before blue line.
Stay wide and accelerate when receiving puck.

Playing Rules:
Always pressure up on puck after shots.

DPR Korea Reading Clossed Passing Lane and Making No Space Play & Forcing Pass

Time, Body & Stick, use no space play when passing lanes closed.

Make easy pass, shoot on hard pass.

Playing Rules:
Do not force the pass.
Shoot on Hard Passes.

Goaltender Report:

DPR Korea

PAK Kuk Chol Is very good with angles. He relies on the puck hitting him and for the defense to keep the ice divided and clear the rebounds.

MANGEN Gilles Is technically very good. He stays centered on the puck, moves right to left easily. He is good with his blocker and glove. In the two games he did a great job control his rebounds and covering loose pucks.


PEPPER Adam made the first saves but gave up lots of rebounds. 


ATALI Fikri & OZBAYDUGAN Levent both played good, but have been untested in the games against Greece & Mongolia. It unclear who is the starter. Turkey will need strong goal tending to win the IIHF Group III Championship.

Score Board
16 APR 2012
IRL – GRE 5 – 3
PRK – LUX 4 – 1
TUR – MGL 10 – 0

IIHF Standings 

16 APR 2012

TUR 2 2 0 0 0 +15 16 : 1 6

PRK 2 2 0 0 0 +13 16 : 3 6

LUX 2 1 0 0 1 +2 8 : 6 3

IRL 2 1 0 0 1 -3 7 : 10 3

GRE 2 0 0 0 2 -7 4 : 11 0

MGL 2 0 0 0 2 -20 2 : 22 0

Teaching Highlights IIHF World Champiohsips , Division 3 – April 14, 2012

Read the Defensive Rush:  1 v 5

Terms:  Read, Communicate, Pressure Up and Contain

Rules:   Always pressure up, when you out number the opposition

Offensive Face Off   GRE-TUR 2012 WC
Turkey had 15 scoring chances on offensive faceoffs

Teaching Points:
1. Offensive wing  must always block out forward from going to the point.
2. The defending forward must always put body in shooting lane.

Game Notes:

SEMIZ Serdar 13 TUR  won 68.18% of Face Offs

HALIL Yusuf 20 TUR won 60% of Face Offs

The line of SEMIZ,  HALIL & OZMEN dominated the game in both the offensive and defensive zones.

Video Highlight: 13 SEMIZ S (Goal),  7 CETINKAYA G, 20 HALIL Y

Score Board 15 APR 2012

GRE – TUR 1 – 6
LUX – IRL 7 – 2

MGL – PRK 2 – 12

3 v 1 Wise Drill (Part 1)

3 v 1 Wise Drill:


1. Look one way, pass the other.

2. Look one way, go the other way.

3. Make the easy pass, shoot on hard pass.

Passing Keys:

1. Always position yourself where you can see the puck clearly.

2. Learn the right choice of pass.

3. Use touch (quick up/one time) , first and second touch skating and passing.

4. Know when to pass to stick, space or use no space play.

5. Know when to use boards.

6. Always use a fake before passing & receieving puck.