Category Archives: ice hockey coaching symposium

White Caps v. Başkent Yıldızları Spor Kulübü – Defensive Zone Face Offs Responsibilities:

Başkent Defensive Zone Face Offs:

  • Defense Line Up Behind Center – On loss face offs, the defender must pick up strong side wing.
  • Defense on Wing
  • Center on Center
  • Strong Side Wing To Point 
  • Weak Side Wing to Point 
    Başkent Positioning Defensive Zone Face offs

    2011-2012 Continental Cup

    • Başkent Yıldızları Spor Kulübü gave up 22 scoring chances on offensive face offs in 2 games
    • Başkent Yıldızları Spor Kulübü centers rarely stayed with their man
    • Look where the defense is on this play. He is in corner and has no man

    Defensive Tactics: (Mistakes by  Başkent Yıldızları Spor Kulübü)

    • Defense lined up behind center, fails to play man-you-goal
    • Center failed to stay with man or play man-you-goal
    Related Videos & Teaching Points:

    Power Thoughts:

    “Coaching is about helping young people have a chance 
    to succeed.  There is no more awesome responsibility 
    than that.  One of the greatest honors a person can have
    is being called ‘Coach.’ ” -Lou Holtz


    System: Breakout-Reverse 

    Tactic:  Reverse to “D” to “D” – Defense without puck is at net.

    • The checkers skates must be pointing in same direction as puck carrier
    • Stick of forechecker middle ice
    • Defense at net must be facing up ice 
    • Communicate reverse

    • Read number of forecheckers

    •   Space is open
    • The skates are pointing behind goal and stick is in middle ice

    Power Question:

    How do you win an Olympic Gold Medal?

    • 10,000 hours of perfect practice

    Success Formula: GIGO

    • Good In, Good Out, Garbage In, Garbage Out

    Power Thoughts:

    The basic idea is that success is neither a function of genetic uniqueness nor hard-work.  It is instead a function of taking the endowments one has, and refining one’s craft through deliberate practice.  The defining characteristic of the deliberative approach to practice are: (1) designed to specifically improve performance; (2) can be repeated; (3) provides continuous feedback; (4) is demanding mentally; and (5) is hard and pushes us continuously beyond our comfort zone.  Top performers are detail oriented and never satisfied.
                                                                                                              -Geoff Colvin’s 

    DEFENSE TO DEFENSE REVERSE – Defense Position Up Ice

    System: Breakout-Reverse

    Tactic:  Reverse to “D” to “D” – Defense Up Ice

    • The checkers skates must be pointing in same direction as puck carrier
    • Stick of forechecker middle ice

    Related Videos & Teaching Points:

    Power Thoughts:

    “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength or a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.”  -Vince Lombardi

    Using the Shaft of Your Stick to Score Goals


    • Speed of stick
    • Impact the ice 6-10 inches behind the puck

    • Weight transfer allows the stick to flex and unflex  
    • Using the shaft of the stick gives the speed to the shot

    Power Thoughts:

    “It doesn’t matter who scores the points, it’s who can get the ball to the scorer” – Larry Bird

    DPR Korea Reading Passing Lane and Making No Space Play & Forcing Pass

    Tactics:  No Space Plays

    • Shoot the puck into open space

    • Time
    • Space
    • Stick

    Related Videos & Teaching Points

    Power Thoughts:

     “Too many people overvalue what they are not and 
    undervalue what they are.”
    Malcolm Forbes

    Stopping for Loose Puck on Faceoff -Alparslan Bakanoğlu


    • The strong side wing (LW) must stop for loose pucks

    Related Videos & Teaching Point: 

    Power Thoughts:
    Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world.

    – Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Slovakia Penalty Killing 5-3 World University Games 2011

    • 5 v 3 Diamond Up High
    • Active Smart Sticks (ASS)
    • Body in Shooting Lane, Stick in Passing Lane
    Pressuring Puck Carrier When In Middle – Body in Shooting Lane
    Maintaining Triangle – Sticks in Passing Lanes

    Related Videos & Teaching Points:

    Power Thoughts:

    Failures do what is tension relieving,
    while winners do what is goal achieving. 

    Dennis Waitley

    Sports Psychology Tips:
    Setting Goals Is the First Step to Developing Mental Toughness:

    Setting big and small goals prepares the frontal cortex of the brain to react quickly. Setting goals is the first step to becoming mentally tough. Goals can help you stay focused in the present moment. The mores stressful the situation; The more attention should be given to performance goals.  By breaking your task down into smaller components, you teach your body to react correctly in stressful situations. Neuroscience confirms goals setting reduces the fight-or-flight response, chances of choking and will improve your performance 

    Boston Give Washington Hard Time On Rush With Overlap Attack

    • Overlapping attack clears a space and allows team mate to receive pass 
    • Overlap to the vacated space
    Read The Space:
    • The Offensive players must he has 2 stick lengths of space to cut to middle
    • Take the puck wide
    • Cut across the ice, just over the blue line
    • Pass the puck to open space 
    • Skate full speed and fill the vacated space
    Execution of Overlap:
    • By crossing behind to the space vacated
    • By skating straight up boards and filling the space vacated
    Power Thoughts:

    Don’t Quit Poem

    by anonymous

    When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
    When the road you’re trudging seems all up hill,
    When the funds are low and the debts are high,
    And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
    When care is pressing you down a bit,
    Rest! if you must; but don’t you quit.

    Life is queer with its twists and turns,
    As everyone of us sometimes learns,
    And many a failure turns about
    When he might have won had he stuck it out;
    Don’t give up, though the pace seems slow;
    You might succeed with another blow.

    Often the goal is nearer than
    It seems to a faint and faltering man,
    Often the struggler has given up
    When he might have captured the victor’s cup.
    And he learned too late, when the night slipped down,
    How close he was to the golden crown.

    Success is failure turned inside out;
    The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;
    And you never can tell how close you are,
    It may be near when it seems afar;
    So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit;
    It’s when things seem worst that you mustn’t quit.

    Related Videos & Teaching Points:
    Keith McAdams Coaching Tips: FOR EVERY PLAYER & COACH 

    Lessons From Coach Jimmy Valvano

    Great Motivation video for Coaches and Players:

     Three things every one should do everyday!

    1. Laugh

    2. Think

    3. Move your emotions to tears

    National Championship in 1983


    • Vision for winning
    • Have a philosophy to live by
    • Write down all goals, dreams andprofessional aspirations
    • Set goals for your basketball team
    • Set your priorities
    • Have a  plan
    • Make the time to study the game and prepare
    • To win you have to be a great teacher
    • Always be in “ A position to win.”
    • Success starts with a toughness mindset
    • Evaluate your style
    • Think about how you want to coach
    • Always be energetic
    • Passion and enthusiasm
    • Dream big and be willing to work hard 
    • 110 percent all the time 
    • Always love the game
    • Install positive  beliefs and enthusiasm in others
    • Never give up
    • Always be warm and open and funny
    • Power of people –  You should motivate, stimulate and inspire any person that entered your life.
    • Be intense, but respect your competitors and be happy for their successes
    • Remember it is only a game; be more than a coach or a player

    Coaching Style:
    • Relied on motivational speeches – Modeled after Vince Lombardi 
    • Mixed encouragement and was sometimes loud at practice 
    • Inspired players to accomplish their goals and dreams
    • Unconventional recruiting style – He was known to move furniture around in players houses to demonstrate his defensive system.
    • Coach V had a true joy of coaching and teaching 
    • Emotional coach, who was never afraid to express emotions
    • Cared about the players on and off the court 

    The Valvano Method To Installing Confidence

    • You have to be confident
    • When it time to be calm; You need to be calm
    • Lower your voice and be positively
    • Tell the players what they need to do
    • Always have a back up plan

    Power Thoughts:

    “There are 86,400 seconds in a day. It’s up to you to decide what to do with them.” 

    “You can win every game and still be a loser. It’s all in how you go about winning. And you can lose every game and still be a winner.” –JIMMY VALVANO

    “Someday basketball would end, and that when they went to work, there would be no applause when they went to their desks.” JIMMY VALVANO

    “We’ve got to control the game and put ourselves in position to win the game. Going down the stretch, we want to have a chance to win the game.” JIMMY VALVANO

    Please Support the Jimmy V Foundation.