Category Archives: Ice Hockey

Canada Offensive Face Off and Pick 2012 WC


  • Always have a plan for all face offs
  • Center always communicates plan with other players

  • Both wings are moving forward to goal
  • Center move the puck to point and sets pick
  • Puck at point skate to net
Defensive Mistake:
  • Kazakhstan center fails to stay with center. 


  • Read who won face off and execute resposibilities
Related Videos & Teaching Points:

USA Creating Problems for Finland on Defensive Zone Face Offs

Offensive Face Off TUR GRE 2012 WC – Solak Great Job

Power Thoughts:
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by 
the seeds you plant.” 
-Robert Louis Stevenson

Coaching Tip:

You can’t overload your players with to many details. Break things down into easy to understand components. Limit the amount of new material you teach at any one practice. 

Japan Breakout and 3 v 2 Tactics, World University Games 2011


  • Be a threat to score

Related Videos & Teaching Points:

3 v 3 Rush (Offensive Triangle)

Offensive Triangle
1. Move the Puck before Blue Line.
2. Enter the Zone Wide
3. 2nd Man into Zone Drive to Net
4. 3rd Man Forms Triangle

The middle man must drive to net to open up space in slot.

New York Rangers Ottawa Senators – 19 Brad Richards 3 v 2 Pick:

Tactics: Picks\Screens For Puck Carrier

  • The  player without puck skates into the lane of defense 
  • The pick must be set in the direction the puck carrier is skating
  • The pick can be set skating is straight line or cross
  • Do not make contact with the defender


  •  The player skates in same lane as puck carrier

  •  The man without the puck make the defense give up space and turn towards boards

  •  The picker skate right into the defenders space, without making body contact

  • The picker created passing lane

Tactics: 3 v 1

  • Attack the Defender

  • The space
  • Read the stick – Pass before you are within stick length of the defender.


  • The puck carrier must attack the defender 1 V 1
  • The puck carrier must make the defender commit
  • The man without puck must level off outside the reach of stick (3M Rule)
  • The man without the puck goes behind the defender, he can not receive the pass

Power Thoughts:

“Some people say that I have an attitude- Maybe I do. But I think that you have to. You have to believe in yourself when no one else does- that makes you a winner right there.”
-Venus Williams 

“It’s easy to have faith in yourself and have discipline when you’re a winner, when you’re number one. What you got to have is faith and discipline when you’re not a winner.

-Vince Lombardi 

“I firmly believe that any man’s finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle – victorious.”
-Vince Lombardi 

When you make a mistake, there are only three things you should ever do about it:
1. Admit it. 2. Learn from it, and 3. Don’t repeat it.”  Paul “Bear” Bryant (Great Football Coach)

Sports Psychology Tips:

All Winners Suffer Setbacks:
Every winner has lost and every losers can win. Your past does not determine your future.  How you handle your loss, determines if you will win again.  

  • Winners are willing to risk losing
  • Winners get knocked down, pick themselves up,  dust themselves off and ride again
  • Winners take responsibility for the loss and learn from it
  • Winners believe in themselves after a loss, even when others do not
  • Winners never leave the sight of loss without setting a new goal
  • Winners plan a comeback

Baskent Bad Defensive Rush

Teaching Points:

  • Defense Must Skate Backwards
  • Tight Gap – 1 Stick
  • Do Not Turn Your Back to Play
  • See the Players Away from the Puck
  • Stick On Ice – Block Passing Lanes
Related Videos & Teaching Points:

Six Critical Mistakes on Defensive Rush – Japan v. Turkey 2011

Turkey – PR Korea Defensive Read the Rush

In this video the defense communicates 2 times to the forward to pick up man. But the forwards fails to get to middle ice and pick up his man. Forwards need to backcheck between the dots.

Power Thoughts:

“I think what children need is love, security, stability, consistency, and kindness.
-Rosie O’Donnell 

“If we can play like that every week we’ll get some level of consistency.
-Alex Ferguson 

Sports Psychology Tips:
Consistency with mental and physical training is the key contributor to winning. The bottom line is success is achieved through consistency.  Consistency in your training, words, thoughts, energy, and attention to details. It is the consistency of your focus to improve everyday. You’ve got to be consistent, if you are going to produce high results.

  • Follow a training schedule
  • Set daily routines for yourself
  • Do not let feelings interfere with your consistency
  • Keep a record of training sessions
  • Keep a journal how you performed
  • Set new goals at the end of each day

Baskent Fails to Execute Good Penalty Killing System

Strategy & System:

  • Overload Power Play v Box

HSC Csíkszereda is using overload power play.

General Teaching Rules:

  • Puck is Low, Contract Box

  • Puck is High, Expand Box

  • Face the Play 

  • Block the Passing Lanes
Related Videos & Teaching Points:

Little Things: Patrick Dwyer Penalty Killing & Short Handed Goal, USA v. Canada IIHF 2012

Team USA Penalty Killing vs. Team Canada 2012 IIHF

Power Thoughts:
The only limits in our life are those we impose on ourselves.

– Bob Proctor

Once we accept our limits, we can go beyond them.

– Albert Einstein

Don’t Limit Your Challenges… Challenge Your Limits.

– Anonymous

Sports Psychology Tips:
Beliefs Change Everything:
At one time everyone believed it was impossible to run a  sub-4-minute mile. On 6th May 1954, Roger Bannister became the first person in the world to break this record. He held his world record for just six weeks before his great rival, John Landy of Australia, broke it. 

Now high school athletes can run sub-4-minute mile.

In 2010 there were 347 Americans and 1192 runner world wide to achieve this goal.  

What Changed? What made it possible for so many people to break the four minute barrier?

Beliefs Changed Everything! Once someone did it, other believed they could do it to. 

If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right. 
-Henry Ford 

The victor 
By: C. W. Longenecker 

If you think you are beaten, you are,
If you think you dare not, you don’t.
If you like to win, but you think you can’t,
It is almost certain you won’t.

If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost,
For out in the world we find,
Success begins with a fellow’s will.
It’s all in the state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed, you are,
You’ve got to think high to rise,
You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.

Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man.
But soon or late the man who wins,
Is the man who thinks he can

1 v 0 Russians and Crossovers:


  • Passing & receiving passes
  • Crossovers
  • Control skating
  • Timing
  • One player per lane


  • See the puck
  • Two way communication between passer & receiver
  • Have your stick on the ice
  • Have your stick at a right angle to receive puck
  • Create good angles to pass and receive passes


  • Control skate, communicate & accelerate

Related Videos & Teaching Points:

Sweeney Drill – 1 v 0

Power Question:

“If you don’t have time to do it right the first time, when will you have time to do it over?”

-John Wooden
Power Thoughts: 

“Every single day I wake up and commit to myself to becoming a better player.”

-Mia Hamm
American female soccer star. 

Sports Psychology Tips:

Focus on Improving Daily, Rather Than Being the Best!  Believing you have the ability to improve and reach your goals. Your abilities are not fixed. Focus on goals that develop the necessary skills for you to succeed. There is no such things as a bad athlete. There only untrained athletes. 

Stopping for Loose Puck on Faceoff -Alparslan Bakanoğlu


  • The strong side wing (LW) must stop for loose pucks

Related Videos & Teaching Point: 

Team Canada Defensive Zone Face Off – Weak Side Winger Post Up Low Near Goal Line

New York Rangers Quick Transition On Defensive Zone Face Off

USA Creating Problems for Finland on Defensive Zone Face Offs

Power Thoughts:
Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world.

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sports Psychology Tips:

Coaches Must Demanded From Themselves To Follow a Definite Plan for Success:

Great coaching requires that you follow a plan, emphasizing organization and working efficiently on and off the ice.  It’s important that coaches do not get distracted from  routines imposed on them from outside the game. Practice needs to start on time and end on time according to your plan; Not your moods! You have to keep your motivation high, make sure you follow your plan and get things done. 

  • Follow the plan
  • Read and feel the flow
  • Know when to press forward
  • Know when to make adjustments
  • Know when to rest

Keith McAdams Coaching Tips: Using the Shaft of Your Stick to Score Goals

Using the Shaft of Your Stick to Score Goals


  • Speed of stick
  • Impact the ice 6-10 inches behind the puck


  • Weight transfer allows the stick to flex and unflex 
  • Using the shaft of the stick gives the speed to the shot

Related Videos & Teaching Points:

Creating Space To Get Shot on Goal


Little Things: Evander Kane Creating Space To Shoot

Power Thoughts:
“It doesn’t matter who scores the points, it’s who can get the ball to the scorer” 
– Larry Bird
“Practice makes the master.” 
Sports Psychology Tips:
Self Belief and Confidence is critical to becoming a champion. Self Confidence is something that you must earn every day with your daily routines, life habits and work ethic. Self Confidence happens when you have a great plan and work it. Confidence just does not happen, you create it everyday in practice.


Keith McAdams Coaching Tips: USA Creating Problems for Finland on Defensive Zon…

USA Creating Problems for Finland on Defensive Zone Face Offs

Moving Behind Center for Shot
 Moving Puck Back to Point & Across
Wing @ Hash Mark Moves Puck Back to Wing @ Top of Circle for Shot

Team USA Scores Goal on 4 v 4 Offensive Zone Face Off

Power Thoughts:

“Goals determine what you’re going to be.”
-Julius Erving

“If you’re bored with life — you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things — you don’t have enough goals.”
-Lou Holtz

“My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose – somehow we win out.”
-Ronald Reagan

“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.”
-Earl Nightingale

Sports Psychology Tips:
Outcome Goal: 
Is a goal that you do not have 100% control of.  For example, I will win a gold medal.

Performance Goal: 
Is a goal you have 100% control over. For example, I will get up each day at 6:00 am every morning and run. 

Action Step for Today
  1. Write down the  five most important outcome goals, you want to achieve in the next twelve months. You must make a commitment to achieving them – no matter what it takes.
  2. Write down the performance goals you will need to achieve in each of the above goals. 
  3. Performance goals are key to creating positive momentum to achieve your outcome goals.

Keith McAdams Coaching Tips: Norway Control Breakout & Rush

Norway Control Breakout & Rush


Control Breakout:  

  • Follow a set pattern


  • Stop behind net
  • Control skate
  • Timing
  • Filling three lanes
  • Width & depth in the attack


  • Control Breakout, Sure Entry, Possession, Set up


  • Move the puck to the fastest skater
  • Form Offensive Triangle
Related Videos & Teaching Points:

Power Thoughts:

“Winning is the most important thing in my life, after breathing. Breathing first, winning next.”
-George Steinbrenner

“One way to break up any kind of tension is good deep breathing.”
-Byron Nelson

Sports Psychology Tips:


  1. The concentration of attention and energy on your game.
  2. One deep, slow breath
  3. Your breath must be slow, but game functional. 
  4. You need to teach yourself to breathe deeply throughout the game.
  5. Practice breathing deeply during your practice.

One Deep Breath Will Mean a Lot to Your Game: 

  • On bench – Sit tall and breathe deeply
  • On face off –  Be in good hockey position and breathe deeply.
  • During the game – Pick your spot and have one good deep breath.

Keith McAdams Coaching Tips: Team Canada Defensive Zone Face Off – Weak Side Wi…

Good teams breakout out of their defensive zone quickly. Getting available quickly is the key to effective breakouts.

Team Canada Positioning on Face Off:

  • Center on Center
  • Defense boards side must pick up wing
  • Defense picks up wing middle ice 
  • Middle forward through middle between center & defense for loose puck, Go to point or pick up loose puck
  • Outside wing moves out to cover point

  • Strong Side Wing going through middle must stop and get loose puck
  • Weak Side Winger post up quickly on the boards down near goal line
  • See the puck
  • Call for the puck
  • Stick should be on the ice as a target for pass
  • Always face the play
Related Videos & Teaching Points:

Power Thoughts: 

“Offense is spacing…spacing is offense.” –Chuck Daly

“Instead of focusing on that circumstances that you cannot change – focus strongly and powerfully on the circumstances that you can.”  – Joy Page 

Sports Psychology Tips:

1969 World Champions, ‘ Amazin’ Mets:

 I wanted advise how to become a great catcher. I was 10 years old.  Jerry Grote, the great New York Mets catcher told me the following:

“Focus on what you want; Not what you do not want. A good catcher tell the pitcher what to do, not what not to do.”  -Jerry Grote