Category Archives: NHL

1 v 1 Angling Drills

Defensive Zone 1v 1 Attack


  1. Place 2 cones just short of mid-court on the right side of the court.
  2. Players start on the goal line , opposite the cones.
  3. The player on the boards has the puck.
  4. On “whistle,” both players take off at full speed.
  5. Both players go around to middle ice towards goal.
  6. The player with the puck becomes offense and the player without the ball becomes the defense.
  7. Drill and with shot and rebound
  8. Pick up puck and play, second 1 v 1.

*The advantage in this drill is to the offensive player.

Full Ice Double X 1 v 1:  Shooting Under Light Pressure


  1. Place 2 cones on the rink, a little higher than the face off circle.
  2. Place 2 cone at red line.
  3. Players start on the goal line.
  4. The player middle ice has the puck.
  5. On “whistle,” both players take off at full speed.
  6. The players with the puck and the defender cross around the cones two times.
  7. Once clearing the second set of cones, the puck handler attacks the goal. The defender plays the 1 v 1. 
*Great drill for developing speed with puck and shooting under light pressure.

Double X 1 v 1:  Angling

  1. Place 2 cones on the rink, a little higher than the face off circle.
  2. Place 2 cone at red line.
  3. Players start on the goal line.
  4. The player on boards has the puck.
  5. On “whistle,” both players take off at full speed.
  6. The players with the puck and the defender cross around the cones two times.
  7. Once clearing the second set of cones, the puck handler attacks the goal. The defender plays the 1 v 1. 
*Great drill for developing speed, angling and toughness and shooting under tight  pressure.

                                                                           Shooting Under Light Pressure           


Angling 1 v 1 Plus Offensive Control

                                                 Adjust the cones to, change difficulty. 

  1. Place cones on the side rink.
  2.  F1 must skate forward around the cone before cutting to middle.
  3. The Defender take a good angle on the puck carrier.
  4. On “whistle,” both players take off at full speed and play 1 v 1.
  5. After shot or check, both players play a second 1 v 1 in offensive zone. 

These drills work on puck handling, explosiveness, decision making, defense in transition, finishing and are great conditioners. They are also high intensity and a lot of fun so players will enjoy them.

Related Videos & Teaching Points:

1 v 1 Defensive Tactic – Force Puck Carier to Backhand

Defense Pressuring Up Finishing Check and Going Up on Rush:

Power Thoughts:

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.
 Jim Rohn

There is a real magic in enthusiasm.

It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment.
– Norman Vincent Peale

The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling,
but in rising again after you fall.
– Vince Lombardi

Teaching Tips:

KeithMcAdamsCoachingTips on Facebook

    HSC Csíkszereda Offensive Tactics – No Space Play


    Related Videos & Teaching Points:

    DPR Korea Reading Passing Lane and Making No Space Play & Forcing Pass

    Power Thoughts:

    Sports Psychology Tips:

    Luxembourg – Korea, 1-2-1 Trap

    Strategy & System:

    • 1-2-1 Penalty Killing Trap

    Keys: (1-2-1)

    • First man has to pressure puck carrier
    • Force the puck to be moved to boards
    • Pressure the pass receiver as he\she receives puck 
    • Defense must hold blue line

    Teaching Points:

    Three reason DPR Korea was successful with trap in World Championships

    1. Circular approach to pressure puck carrier
    2. Forcing the puck carrier to back hand
    3. Circular approach to pressure pass receiver

    Power Thoughts:

    Sports Psychology Tips:

    HSC Csíkszereda v. Baskent Offensive Tactics

    HSC Csíkszereda Regroup Defense to Defense to Defense Cross


    HSC Csíkszereda Center Ice Cross & Rush 2012


    Related Videos & Teaching Points:

    Baskent Bad Defensive Rush

    Power Thoughts:

    Coaching Tip:


    Defensive Zone Coverage – The Puck Carrier is Behind Goal



    • Box in One Positioning
    • Tight Box and defense pressure puck carrier on to his backhand


    • The Defense must read we are in a tight box and one
    • The Defense must read and pressure puck carrier on to his backhand
    • The Center must read and replace the defender at the post 


    • The defense go to the corners of the net and stop all pass out attempts
    • The three forwards must come down low and tight in front of the net

    • The center takes the spot of the defender pressuring the puck carrier
    • The center, one defender, and two forwards form a tight box
    • The players must  keep their ‘head on a swivel’ with sticks on the ice 
    • The defense must read the play and force the puck carrier to his back hand
    • The center takes the spot of the defender pressuring the puck carrier
    • The players must  keep their ‘head on a swivel’ with sticks on the ice 

    Related Videos & Teaching Points:

    Teaching Points 2-1-2 Woman’s World University Games 2011

    Canada 2-1-2 Overload Defensive Zone Coverage IIHF WC 2012

    Power Thoughts:

    Sports Psychology Tips:

    • Change I can’t to I can
    • Use cue words to direct your focus and performance
    • Change negative stories created in your mind to positive stories
    Coaching Tip:

    KeithMcAdamsCoachingTips on Facebook

    Emrah Ozmen Body in Shooting Lane on Defensive Zone Face Off



    • Body in Shooting Lane
    • Stick in Passing Lane

    Power Thoughts:

    ”Your words determine the direction your life will go.”
     -Joel Olsteen

    Reputation is what other people know about you.
    Honor is what you know about yourself.
    – Lois McMaster Bujold 

      Slovakia – Canada Defensive Gap Control

      Slovakia Good Gap Control Leads To Quick Transitions in Neutral Ice


      • Read, Communicate, Pressure Up & Contain

      • What do the defenders see?


      • Even situation tight gap & pressure up
      • Outnumbering opposition pressure up


      • Keep your stick out in front
      • Stay between the forward and the net
      • Always play tight gap on even situations
      • Always pressure up when out numbering opposition 
      • Maintain Man-You-Goal

      Related Videos & Teaching Points:

      Erik Karlsson 2 on 1 NY Rangers vs Ottawa Senators, Playoffs 2012

      Baskent Bad Defensive Rush:

      Power Thoughts:

      “Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don’t complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don’t bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live!”
      -Bob Marley 

      Coaching Tips:

        SVK Offensive Tactics IIHF WC 2011



        • When delaying, always stop and turn toward the boards to protect the puck

        Related Videos & Teaching Points:
        Power Thoughts:

        “You are always a student, never a master. You have to keep moving forward.”
        -Conrad Hall 

        “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”
        -Walt Disney 

        Sports Psychology Tips:
         The 1934 Disney move illustrates some good teaching points for children.  To read the story click The Tortoise and the Hare link.

        At one time or another we all read one of Aesop’s Fables. Here is a new take on the 

        The Tortoise and the Hare Race. 

        The hare was confident in his abilities to win the race. The tortoise had a great attitude and kept making progress towards the goal

        To accomplish your goal – You have to keep focused and moving toward it. 

        The Tortoise stayed focused and kept moving towards his goal. The Hare raced ahead quickly, but lost focused, stopped to rest and lost the race.

        • Always show great sportsmanship
        • Enjoy the race
        • Keeping your mind on the goal
        • Always keep moving toward the goal 

        Hare vs Tortoise race (Disney 1934)

        KeithMcAdamsCoachingTips on Facebook

        Russia 3 v 2 Middle Man Driving to Net WU 2011

        • Middle man drive between two defenders

        Individual Tactics:

        • Stick in shooting position
        • Fake shot

        Related Videos & Teaching Points:

        3 v 3 Rush (Offensive Triangle)

        Offensive Triangle

        1. Move the Puck before Blue Line.
        2. Enter the Zone Wide
        3. 2nd Man into Zone Drive to Net
        4. 3rd Man Forms Triangle


        • The middle man must drive to net to open up space in slot

        Power Thoughts:

        “If you want to make good use of your time, you’ve got to know what’s most important and then give it all you’ve got.”
        -Lee Iacocca

        “Better three hours too soon, than one minute too late.”-William Shakespeare

        “Make use of time, let not advantage slip.”-William Shakespeare

        “Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year – and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade!”

        -Anthony Robbins

        Coaching Tips: