Category Archives: Plan

Motivation From the African Plains – "Run to the Roar" Extended Trailer

“Every morning in Africa, a Gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a Lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest Gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn’t matter whether you are a Lion or a Gazelle… when the sun comes up, you’d better be running.” -Unknown

Book Recommendation:

12 Time National Champion Squash Coach and Professional 
Speaker Paul Assaiante’s book “Run to the Roar”

Run towards the roar, run towards what frightens us.

Locked in combat: Mother lion takes on deadly crocodile to give cubs safe swim across river….Click to see more.

Success Formula:  US Army Special Forces Strategy

R – Respect for your enemy
A – Accountability to your team
W -Work Ethic

D – Discipline

John Anderson – Retired Military Officer gave a motivational speech to the Hudson Valley Eagle 2004-05 MJHL Champions. The team finish 3rd Place in USA Hockey National Championship.

Power Thoughts:

  • Strategies do not work, unless you do!
  • Everyone has fears, the key is to move forward anyway. 
  • F.E.A.R. – False Evidence Appearing Real

Power Questions:
What is holding you back?

Fear of:

  • success
  • failure
  • rejections
  • past failures
  • humiliation
  • loosing it all
  • not enough
  • physical limitations
  • physical fitness
  • emotional scars


  1. Take a step towards doing something you fear today and the next step will be easier 
  2. Act as if you could not fail.
  3. Fake It until you make it!

Everything is Possible With The Right Plan, Team and Tactics – Curiosity Rover Lands and Sends First Pictures Back To Earth

  1. Have a dream.
  2. We all have ability to do the impossible. 
  3. Everything is already inside us to make our dreams and goals a reality.
  4. Always be stretching beyond our abilities.
  5. Believe we can do it.
  6. Create exciting plans, that get our creative juices flowing.
  7. Outline of time-sensitive goals.
  8. Put together the right team; To create it, manage it, build it, fly it and land it.
  9. Great attitude and work ethic are aprerequisite to make it happen.
  10. Create and execute the strategies, techniques and tactics of the plan.
  11. Be flexible to change and learn from setbacks. 
  12. Have the guts and mind set to go for it.

Power Thoughts:

That’s one small step for a man; one giant leap for mankind.

– Neil A. Armstrong

To go places and do things that have never been done before – that’s what living is all about.  — Michael Collins, flew on Gemini 10 and Apollo 11.

Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

— Captain James T. Kirk, (William Shatner) start of every episode of the original TV series ‘Star Trek.’ 

God has no intention of setting a limit to the efforts of man to conquer space.
— Pope Pius XII

From now on, we live in a world where man has walked on the moon. It wasn’t a miracle, we just decided to go.
– Jim Lovell

5 Principles for Success

Succeed at the Highest Level

― Anthony Robbins 

If you want to change your life in any area, there are five keys to succeeding at the highest level that will not only create the change you want to make, but also make that change sustainable and lasting.

1. Raise Your Standards

2. Change Your Limiting Beliefs

3. Model Strategies That Work

4. Intensify Your Emotions

5. Give Much More Than You Expect to Receive

Related Videos & Teaching Points:

Power Thoughts:

“The path to success is to take massive, determined action.” 
― Anthony Robbins 

New York Rangers Ottawa Senators – 19 Brad Richards 3 v 2 Pick:

Tactics: Picks\Screens For Puck Carrier

  • The  player without puck skates into the lane of defense 
  • The pick must be set in the direction the puck carrier is skating
  • The pick can be set skating is straight line or cross
  • Do not make contact with the defender


  •  The player skates in same lane as puck carrier

  •  The man without the puck make the defense give up space and turn towards boards

  •  The picker skate right into the defenders space, without making body contact

  • The picker created passing lane

Related Videos & Teaching Points:

Power Question:

What does it take to win 18 gold medals?  


One mental quality you need is the ability to pick yourself up after a loss. The ability to dust yourself off after a fall and focus on the task at hand.  Bouncing back from a disappointing fourth-place finish in the 400 individual medley,  Michael Phelps  ends his career with 18 gold medals. Phelps wound up with more medals than any other swimmer at the games: four golds and two silvers.

Power Thoughts:

“You can’t put a limit on aything. The more you dream, the father you get.” 
― Michael Phelps

Defense Pressuring Up Finishing Check and Going Up on Rush:

Tactics:  Read the Defensive Rush


  • Keep tight gap 
  • Play aggressively, but  in control
  • Take circular approach or have good angle 
  • Force the attacker on to the boards or backhand
  • Keep eyes on the Body at all times
  • Defenders should time their check.
  • Body 1st , Stick 2nd and Puck 3rd
  • In 1 v 1 the low man usually wins the battles

  • Off Puck Players
  • Speed of offensive player
  • Stick


  • Read, Communicate, Pressure Up, Contain 

Related Videos & Teaching Points:

Power Thoughts:

Somebody may beat me, but they are going to have to bleed to do it. Steve Prefontaine

A lot of people run a race to see who is fastest. I run to see who has the most guts, who can punish himself into exhausting pace, and then at the end, punish himself even more.
                                                                                       -Steve Prefontaine

Offensive Power Play Face Off – Turkey Greece 2012 World Championships


  • Blocking Out Man
  • Screening, Tipping and Rebounding

#18 Solak  does great job blocking out wing.

Greece Face Off Positing 

Related Videos & Teaching Points:

Power Thoughts:

“We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.”
-Jesse Owens

Center Defensive Zone Face Off Responsibility 5 v 4 – White Caps v. Başkent Yıldızları Spor Kulübü

Tactics:   5 v 4 Face Off :

  • Center  covers center then goes to cover point
  • The center is key to setting up box or diamond formations
  • Defense strong side picks up offensive center and forms box or diamond
  • Wing going through middle 
  • Center goes to other point


  • Win,  loose puck or loss face off
  • Center needs to read where the wing went on lost face off


  • Execute stops and start
  • Active smart sticks
  • Get out the point man quickly, but in control
  • Always face the play
  • Body in shooting lane, stick passing lanes
Related Videos & Teaching Points:

Power Thoughts:

The only correct actions are those that demand no explanation and no apology.  Red Auerbach
Natural abilities are like natural plants; they need pruning by study. –Red Auerbach

Attacking Middle Seam from Defensive Zone Face Off – White Caps v. Başkent Yıldızları Spor Kulübü 2011

Başkent Yıldızları Gives Up Breakaway 5 v 4

 System – Positioning

  • Defense is on boards
  • Center on center
  • Defense lined up inside circle
  • Wing lined up outside of circle
  • Wing goes out to side, where puck goes
  • Wing out to strong side point
  • Center moves into middle lane

  • Body in shooting lane, stick in passing lane
  • Puck is blocked and picked up by center
  • Pass is made between two defenders
Related Videos & Teaching Points:
Power Thoughts:

“The spirit, the will to win and the will to excel – these are the things that endure and these are the qualities that are so much more important than any of the events that occasion them.” 
-Vince Lombardi 
“There’s only one way to succeed in anything, and that is to give it everything. I do, and I demand that my players do.” -Vince Lombardi 

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will.” 
-Vince Lombardi 

“You never win a game unless you beat the guy in front of you. The score on the board doesn’t mean a thing. That’s for the fans. You’ve got to win the war with the man in front of you. You’ve got to get your man.”
-Vince Lombardi 

“If you’ll not settle for anything less than your best, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish in your lives.” -Vince Lombardi 

White Caps v. Başkent Yıldızları Spor Kulübü – Defensive Zone Face Offs Responsibilities:

Başkent Defensive Zone Face Offs:

  • Defense Line Up Behind Center – On loss face offs, the defender must pick up strong side wing.
  • Defense on Wing
  • Center on Center
  • Strong Side Wing To Point 
  • Weak Side Wing to Point 
    Başkent Positioning Defensive Zone Face offs

    2011-2012 Continental Cup

    • Başkent Yıldızları Spor Kulübü gave up 22 scoring chances on offensive face offs in 2 games
    • Başkent Yıldızları Spor Kulübü centers rarely stayed with their man
    • Look where the defense is on this play. He is in corner and has no man

    Defensive Tactics: (Mistakes by  Başkent Yıldızları Spor Kulübü)

    • Defense lined up behind center, fails to play man-you-goal
    • Center failed to stay with man or play man-you-goal
    Related Videos & Teaching Points:

    Power Thoughts:

    “Coaching is about helping young people have a chance 
    to succeed.  There is no more awesome responsibility 
    than that.  One of the greatest honors a person can have
    is being called ‘Coach.’ ” -Lou Holtz


    System: Breakout-Reverse 

    Tactic:  Reverse to “D” to “D” – Defense without puck is at net.

    • The checkers skates must be pointing in same direction as puck carrier
    • Stick of forechecker middle ice
    • Defense at net must be facing up ice 
    • Communicate reverse

    • Read number of forecheckers

    •   Space is open
    • The skates are pointing behind goal and stick is in middle ice

    Power Question:

    How do you win an Olympic Gold Medal?

    • 10,000 hours of perfect practice

    Success Formula: GIGO

    • Good In, Good Out, Garbage In, Garbage Out

    Power Thoughts:

    The basic idea is that success is neither a function of genetic uniqueness nor hard-work.  It is instead a function of taking the endowments one has, and refining one’s craft through deliberate practice.  The defining characteristic of the deliberative approach to practice are: (1) designed to specifically improve performance; (2) can be repeated; (3) provides continuous feedback; (4) is demanding mentally; and (5) is hard and pushes us continuously beyond our comfort zone.  Top performers are detail oriented and never satisfied.
                                                                                                              -Geoff Colvin’s 

    DEFENSE TO DEFENSE REVERSE – Defense Position Up Ice

    System: Breakout-Reverse

    Tactic:  Reverse to “D” to “D” – Defense Up Ice

    • The checkers skates must be pointing in same direction as puck carrier
    • Stick of forechecker middle ice

    Related Videos & Teaching Points:

    Power Thoughts:

    “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength or a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.”  -Vince Lombardi