Category Archives: Robert Cooper

Woman’s World University Team – Defensive Playing Rules

Coaching Tip:

Look for the Good in People and You will Find Untapped Potential:

Victor Cruz was an unknown, underrated, and taxi squad player in 2010. He went from a nobody to a Super Bowl Champions in 2012. Cruz was originally signed as a rookie free agent by the Giants on April 25, 2010. Victor Cruz is now one of the best deep threat players in Football. 

How does this happen? It happens because great organization and coaches see abilities in players that other overlook. The best coaches focus on the good qualities of players, while other coaches see the weaknesses.

Jeremy Linn plays for the Houston Rockets of the National Basketball Association. Jeremy never received athletic scholarship and was undrafted out of Harvard University. Linn signed with the Golden State Warriors in 2010, but was assigned NBA Development League (D-League) three times. He was  waived by the Warriors and the Rockets. In the  2011–12 preseason the New York Knicks  saw potential in Linn, that other clubs did not!  In February 2012,  Linn was promoted to the starting lineup.  Linn  showed unbelievable leadership and ability on the court. The Knicks when on a winning streak which generated a global following known as Linsanity.  Jeremy Linn signed with the Houston Rockets in the off season. 

Power Thoughts:

“The biggest defect we human beings have is our short-sightedness. We don’t see what we could be. We should be looking at our potential, stretching ourselves into everything we can become
~ Mitch Albom 

“To excel means to reach beyond the best you have ever given because doing so matters to you personally, for its own sake. It means to run your own race—as an individual, team, or organization. To excel is to know your greatest strengths and passions, and to emphasize them while honestly admitting and managing your weaknesses.”     ~ Robert Cooper
“It takes great goals to lead us out of our everyday limits into accomplishing more than we ever thought we could or would.”   ~ Robert Cooper
Power Questions:

“Are you closer right now to accomplishing your goal want to be than you were a half-hour ago?”

~ Robert Cooper