Category Archives: SPEED DEVELOPMENT

New York Ranger – Washington Capitals: Speed Kills Your Opponent or You in the Playoffs

Chris Kreider was clocked skating at 33.7 MPH during tonight 3-1 Ranger win!  Kreider scored the game winning goal and assist in tonight game.


The rate or a measure of the rate of motion, especially:

  • Distance traveled divided by the time of travel.

Activity with is rapidity of motion

 The ability to move and change direction and position of the body quickly and effectively while under control.

The 4 Rules of  Improving Speed:

The First Rule of Speed Development: Speed is a Skill that must be practiced without the puck and with the puck.

  • Skating fast requires developing technical skill of skating
  • Coaches need to work on skating and puck handling techniques
  • Acceleration is the most important component in hockey 
  • Change of speeds is and essential tactic

The Second Rule of Speed Development: Train Hockey Specific

  • Hockey is game that played with 3-10 second burst of speed
  • 60 second shifts

The Third Rule of Speed Development: Speed Work IS the Workout
  • You can’t get fast if you practice skating slow
  • Every player must master slow to fast and change of pace
  • Quality work/high intensity work as the workout  
  • Speed development can be improved off ice.

The Forth Rule of Speed Development: Hockey Constantly Changes Directions
  • Change of Direction
  • Stops and Starts


  1. Flexibility
  2. Posture
  3. Stick Position
  4. Stride Rate
  5. Stride Length
  6. Agility Exercise
  7. Reaction Time

Power Thoughts:

Speed is not your fastest, but your slowest man.  

Nine times out of ten, the teams or athletes with the most speed are going to win    -unknown
Speed will kill you, or your opponent. -unknown