Category Archives: Sports Psychology

Kazakhstan v Canada 1-2-2 Forechecking System 2012

Strategy & System:  Kazakhstan 

  • The 1-2-2  forechecking is a conservative system
  • Kazakhstan is locking boards strong side
  • It  is designed to prevent odd man rushes
  • It can be used to control the boards
  • It can be organized to pressure puck in center ice

“D” to “D” Pass

Teaching Points:

  • All five players must be up ice and in position 1-2-2
  • F1 presses puck carrier from the inside out
  • F2 or F3 reading the pass and pressuring the pass receiver
  • F3 locks Boards, than cut Across and Locks Middle Ice
  • When any  forechecker is beat, they  turn and backcheck up middle ice


  • If you can’t get 2 men on puck; Play it safe, turn and Backcheck up middle ice

Related Videos & Teaching Points:

John Tavares Forechecking Goal Team Canada

New York Ranger Makes Bad Pinch on Forecheck

Power Thoughts:

Sports Psychology Tips:

Organize Your Own Positive Marketing Campaign

When we see thing over and over, we start to embrace it as fact. When we hear something long enough, we start to believe it.  It starts to affect the way we see things and perform on a daily basis. You need to take charge of these negative messages around you or you will start to dwelling on them.  In society today we are overwhelmed with negatives on TV, the news and by people.  Advertising company spend billion of dollars on TV commercials. You can reap the same benefits as these companies by creating your own marketing campaign. You can choose to see challenges  as blessings. You  can declare good breaks are coming your way. You can see problems as opportunities.

Imagine the commitment, energy and enthusiasm you would have in your life;  if you decided to dwell on the positives.  Start today and create your own ad campaign. Organize your pictures and thoughts in a  positive way.  When you become aware of negative images or thoughts, choose to make them
a positive.  Make it a habit  to declare victory before you play the game.  

Please “recommend this post”, and be sure to pass it along by clicking “share”. Visit us at for more ideas to contribute to your success!

    Turkey Control Power Play Breakout IIHF WC Group III 2012

    Principles:   Power Play
    • Control Breakout
    • Sure Entry
    • Possession
    • Set Up

    Control Skate, Communication & Accelerate

    • Control Breakout
    • Fill all three lanes
    • Timing

    • Move the puck to the fastest skater

    Related Videos & Teaching Points:

    Norway Control Breakout & Rush

    Coaching Tip:

    Teaching 1 v 1 Curve Skating Tactics

    Teaching Points:
    1. Good Defense Starts with Proper Body Position and Stance.
    -Eyes Up
    -low Stance
    -Knees Bent
    -Skates Shoulder width apart
    2. The Low Man Always Wins On Defense
    3. Be disciplined and take a curved approach when pressuring. 
    4. Stick out in front of you.
    5. Force the Player where you want him to go.
    -Force to space on ice
    -Force to backhand
    6. Play the Body, Stick and Puck in that order.
    Curved Skating  1 v 1 Side Game:
    1. The goal is positioned on side boards in middle ice.
    2. Group 1 is lined up on goal line. Group 1 is the offensive players.
    3. Group 2 is line up on other side of rink at goal line. Group two is the defensive players.
    4. On “whistle,” #2 skate forward to goal crease and passes to Player # 1.
    5. Player #1 is on offense and attempts to score a goal. 
    6. Player #2 follows the path of the goal line and forces the puck carrier to middle ice.
    7. Player two executes curve skating technique and plays 1 v 1.
    8. Do not allow the defenders to skating backwards.
    9. When the drills finish players change groups. 
    10. The drill ends on “whistle.

    1 v 1 Angling Drills

    Defensive Zone 1v 1 Attack


    1. Place 2 cones just short of mid-court on the right side of the court.
    2. Players start on the goal line , opposite the cones.
    3. The player on the boards has the puck.
    4. On “whistle,” both players take off at full speed.
    5. Both players go around to middle ice towards goal.
    6. The player with the puck becomes offense and the player without the ball becomes the defense.
    7. Drill and with shot and rebound
    8. Pick up puck and play, second 1 v 1.

    *The advantage in this drill is to the offensive player.

    Full Ice Double X 1 v 1:  Shooting Under Light Pressure


    1. Place 2 cones on the rink, a little higher than the face off circle.
    2. Place 2 cone at red line.
    3. Players start on the goal line.
    4. The player middle ice has the puck.
    5. On “whistle,” both players take off at full speed.
    6. The players with the puck and the defender cross around the cones two times.
    7. Once clearing the second set of cones, the puck handler attacks the goal. The defender plays the 1 v 1. 
    *Great drill for developing speed with puck and shooting under light pressure.

    Double X 1 v 1:  Angling

    1. Place 2 cones on the rink, a little higher than the face off circle.
    2. Place 2 cone at red line.
    3. Players start on the goal line.
    4. The player on boards has the puck.
    5. On “whistle,” both players take off at full speed.
    6. The players with the puck and the defender cross around the cones two times.
    7. Once clearing the second set of cones, the puck handler attacks the goal. The defender plays the 1 v 1. 
    *Great drill for developing speed, angling and toughness and shooting under tight  pressure.

                                                                               Shooting Under Light Pressure           


    Angling 1 v 1 Plus Offensive Control

                                                     Adjust the cones to, change difficulty. 

    1. Place cones on the side rink.
    2.  F1 must skate forward around the cone before cutting to middle.
    3. The Defender take a good angle on the puck carrier.
    4. On “whistle,” both players take off at full speed and play 1 v 1.
    5. After shot or check, both players play a second 1 v 1 in offensive zone. 

    These drills work on puck handling, explosiveness, decision making, defense in transition, finishing and are great conditioners. They are also high intensity and a lot of fun so players will enjoy them.

    Related Videos & Teaching Points:

    1 v 1 Defensive Tactic – Force Puck Carier to Backhand

    Defense Pressuring Up Finishing Check and Going Up on Rush:

    Power Thoughts:

    Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.
     Jim Rohn

    There is a real magic in enthusiasm.

    It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment.
    – Norman Vincent Peale

    The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling,
    but in rising again after you fall.
    – Vince Lombardi

    Teaching Tips:

    KeithMcAdamsCoachingTips on Facebook

      HSC Csíkszereda Offensive Tactics – No Space Play


      Related Videos & Teaching Points:

      DPR Korea Reading Passing Lane and Making No Space Play & Forcing Pass

      Power Thoughts:

      Sports Psychology Tips:

      HSC Csíkszereda v. Baskent Offensive Tactics

      HSC Csíkszereda Regroup Defense to Defense to Defense Cross


      HSC Csíkszereda Center Ice Cross & Rush 2012


      Related Videos & Teaching Points:

      Baskent Bad Defensive Rush

      Power Thoughts:

      Coaching Tip:


      Moving the Puck to Fastest Skater – World University Games 2011

      Principles:   Power Play
      • Control Breakout and Sure Entry

      • Control Skate, Communication & Accelerate

      • Control Breakout
      • Fill all three lanes
      • Timing

      • Move the puck to the fastest skater

      Related Videos & Teaching Points:

      Three Essential Playing Rules for Good Defensive Tactics:

      • Never have three players on boards
      •  Always face the play 
      • If your not pressuring the puck,  protect middle ice

      Playing Rules:
      • Always clear the puck to the corner
      • Always pressure on lose pucks and clears

      Two Playing Rules:

      • Pressure the puck carrier when on backhand
      • Defensive players need to  stop in passing lanes

      Power Thoughts:

      “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition -they somehow already know what you truly want to become.”                  
       – Steve Jobs

      “If you get to the point where someone is telling you that you are not great or not good enough, just follow your heart and don’t let anybody crush your dream.”         
      – Patti LaBelle

      “It’s imperative to follow your heart and choose a profession you’re passionate about, and if you haven’t found that “spark” yet, if you’re not sure what you want to do with your lives –
      be persistent until you do.”
      – Steve Kerr

      Coaching Tip:

       Let your players know when you are wrong. You can’t always put the blame on the players. Good coaches admit their mistakes and move forward. 

      Baskent 4 v 4 Fails to Divide the Ice

      • Your team must know what system you are using
      • Man to man or Box Zone?

      • All good defensive clubs keep the ice divided

      • Pressure up on even situations
      • Play the body – No stick checks
      • See the puck and the players away from the puck
      • Do not turn your back to your man
      • Always block the passing lanes
      • Play man-you-goal
      Related Videos & Teaching Points:

      4 v 4 Hockey

      Luxembourg Fails to Divide Ice IIHH WC 2012

      Power Thoughts:

      “Anybody can point out problems, but the valuable person is the one who finds the solutions and accepts the responsibility to implement the solution.”  -Ronn Wyckoff

      Coaching Tip:

      Players need to know, you care about their development. You must provide players a couple of things to do to improve their game. 

      3 v 1 Defensive Rush Woman’s World University Team 2011

      3 v 1 Defensive Read the Rush:

      • Good body & stick positioning 
      • Quick sticks & anticipation 
      • Stick well out in front of you, ready to deflect pass 
      • The ‘D’ should keep a tight gap
      • The ‘D’ should keep the puck wide
      • The  ‘D’  must  skate backwards and stay in the middle of the ice
      • Stay between the three forwards 
      • If a pass is made back to the slot, the ‘D’ must pressure and attack the slot 
      • Goalie should call I have the shooter


      In higher leagues, you can not just automatically let the player shoot. The players shoot the puck to good these days. Defense need to learn to improvise by;
      • Block shots
      • Block passing lanes
      • Develop fake stick checks and body checks
      • Develop instincts when to pressure
      • Scout the other team – Know who you want  and who you don’t want to let shoot. 

      Related Videos & Teaching Points:

      Great Job 2 v 1 – Göktürk Taşdemir

      Erik Karlsson 2 on 1 NY Rangers vs Ottawa Senators, Playoffs 2012

      New York Ranger Michael Del Zotto Defends Perfect 2 v 1

      5 Man Circuit Passing Drill:
      Player one executes a give and go pass with player three. Player one passes to player two.  Player two skates into the pass and makes a lead pass to player four. Each player follows the pass and takes that player’s position.  One to two, Three to four and four to one.
      Individual Tactics:
      • Give and go
      • Skating into the pass
      • Passing to space
      • On touch passing

      Power Thoughts:

      If you’re bored with life – you don’t get up every
      morning with a burning desire to do things –
      you don’t have enough goals.
      – Lou Holtz

      For those who are bored with life,
      the path to happiness almost always comes

      through service to the less-fortunate.

      – Jonathan Lockwood Huie

      “Happiness is not something you postpone for the future;
      it is something you design for the present.”  
      -Jim Rohn

      Sports Psychology Tips:

      Do Not Beat Yourself:

      Everyone has some self-sabotaging patterns of behavior. Make a list of your self-defeating  attitudes, behaviors, beliefs and thoughts. Create a methodical plan to turn those self defeating habits into positive stepping stones to win. When you eliminate these habitual limiting patterns of behavior, you’ll get out of your own way and success  will follow.

      • Do not sacrifice your success for short-term fun
      • Do what is hard and necessary; Instead of  what is fun and stress receiving 

      Why the Boston Bruins Won Stanley The Cup In 2010-11


      • Always pressure loose pucks
      • Always pressure when puck shot wide
      • Always out number the opposition


      Related Videos & Teaching Points:


      Power Thoughts:

      “Nothing happens by itself… it all will come your way, once you understand that you have to make it come your way, by your own exertions.” –Ben Stein 

      “We can change our lives. We can do, have, and be exactly what we wish.”
      -Anthony Robbins 

      “Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve.” –W. Clement Stone 

      Sports Psychology Tips:


      At the end of your workday, identify the first task you’ll work on the next day. Organize your material, so you can begin working on that task first thing in the morning.

      The Law of Attraction:

      The Law of Attraction says that you attract into your life whatever you think about most.  Your dominant thoughts will find a way to manifest. 

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