Tag Archives: coaching principles

Coaching Symposium Erzurum 2012 – Passing Warm Up (On Ice Session)

We have 20 warm up passing drills we use. We start each practice with 1 or 2 passing drills. We adjust the following components for passing and receiving.

  • Change Passing Techniques and Tactics
  • Change Angles
  • Change Space
  • Change Shapes
  • Change Numbers


  • Minimum 2100 successful passes in 10 minutes
Teaching Point:
  • Keep your eyes up
  • See the entire ice
  • Call for the puck
  • Stick on ice, facing the puck
  • Right angle to path of puck
  • Make the pass part of stride
  • Move the puck to bent knee
  • Cup, push point
Drill Components:
  • Multiple Repetitions
  • Multiple Touches
  • High Speed & Timing
  • Multiple Skills & Tactics


  • Side to Side Passing
  • Forward – Backwards Skating & Passing
  • Diagonal Front and Back Passing
  • Diagonal Forward – Backwards Skating & Passing
  • Touch Passes (1, 2)


  • Spacing

 Related Videos & Teaching Points:

Improve Your Passing Game:


Power Thoughts:

“It is only as we develop others that we permanently succeed.”
Harvey S. Firestone 

“You get the best out of others when you give the best of yourself.”
Harvey S. Firestone 

“Success is the sum of details.” 

Harvey S. Firestone 

Sports Psychology Tips:

We do not look at the clock when we practice. Having a set time frame is important. But our focus is on quality touches and repetitions in a block of time. The amount of time your spend practicing, does not guarantee success. Only through quality training repetition and touches will you improve your game. If you want to produces the best results, focus on the quality of your work, not the hours.

  • If I see us making to many mistakes, we adjust the drill
  • We want to focus ad on successful repetitions
  • Do not practice bad execution
  • Good in; Good out!
  • Bad in; Bad out!

Erik Karlsson 2 on 1 NY Rangers vs Ottawa Senators, Playoffs 2012

2 v 1 Defensive Read the Rush:

  • Good body & stick positioning
  • Quick sticks & anticipation
  • Stick well out in front of you, ready to deflect pass
  • The  ‘D’  must stay up & in the middle of the ice between the forwards
  • The ‘D’ should keep the puck wide
  • If a pass be made back to the slot, the ‘D’ must pressure and attack the slot
  • The ‘D’ should keep a tight gap
  • Goalie should call I have the shooter
Do Not:
  • Do not give up huge gap through center ice
  • Do not back up into goalie
  • Do not commit to one forward
Teaching Notes:
  • At higher levels you can not allow the players to shoot from slot
  • Defenders must develop fakes stick checks & checks
Teaching Points:
  • Stay in middle
  • Body and Stick in passing lanes
  • Keep your stick on ice
Related Videos & Teaching Points:
New York Ranger Michael Del Zotto Defends Perfect 2 v 1


Power Thoughts:
“If you look for the bad in people
expecting to find it, you surely will.”
– Abraham Lincoln
Sports Psychology Tips: Success Starts in the mind!
  • Start Today
  • Today Not Tomorrow
Bob Kennedy
champion distance runner

Five Simple Strategies to Attack a Zone Defense

Want to score more goal against zone defense? Here are 5 really simple strategies. 

These strategies work against all types of zone defenses and will help you score more goals.
Strategy #1 – Put Your Best Shooter in the Slot 
Strategy #2 – Attack from Behind the Zone
One of the best ways to attack from behind the zone. Use the following tactics:
  • Cycle
  • Cross
  • Invert

Sweden Executes Two Cycles & Crosses – Sweden’s Niklas Kronwall (#7) Goal


Invert Offense Causes Confusion For Finland

Strategy #3 – Attack by Reversing Puck to Other Side of Rink
  • Shoot Around
  • No Space play to open corner

Marian Gaborik Scored Game Winning Goal In Third Overtime – Invert Offense (Shoot Around)

Every time you reverse the puck from one side of the rink to another, it causes the defense to move. You’ll find that on almost every reversal the players will become open.  
Strategy #4 – Position Players in Gaps of Zone Coverage
  • Simply tell your players to find position themselves where’s there no defense (go where they ain’t at).
  • Attack the seams with and without puck
Brett Hull Was Great at Being Between Gaps in Zone

Strategy #5 – Take the puck to net
  • Be a threat to score
  • Do not play out side the game
Good defensive zones want to keep you to the outside. Do not be content to have control of the puck on the outside.
Power Questions: 

Do you currently employ all four of these strategies?
Execute these simple suggestions and you’ll get better. These strategies work against all types of zone defenses.

How does a 70 year old sound so good? 

-Beach Boys Interview CNN September 17, 2012

Power Thoughts:

“Somebody may beat me, but they are going to have to bleed to do it.
-Steve Prefontaine 

Building Character in Children

Be Kind To People

Sports Psychology Tips:

  • Use Teachable Moments Build Character
  • Use Story Telling –  To Teach Qualities of Character


Sweeney Drill – 1 v 0


  • Passing & receiving passes
  • Control skating
  • Timing


  • See the puck
  • Two way communication between passer & receiver
  • One player per lane
  • Have your stick on the ice
  • Have your stick at a right angle to receive puck


  • Control skate, communicate & accelerate

Sweeney Drill:  Flow drill to work on control skating, timing and passing. This is a continuous drill working from both ends. After the pass or shot, players go to next line.

  • 1 starts the dill after shot
  • 1 & 2 exchange lanes
  • 1 passes to 2
  • 2 & 3 exchanges lanes
  • 2 passes to 3 at blue line


Entering Zone Wide:       

  •  Add 4th player to rebound
  • Attacking Middle Seam:

    •  Add 4th player to rebound
    Related Videos & Teaching Points:

    3 v 1 Wise Drill (Part 1)

    3 v 1 Wise Drill (Part 2)

    Power Thoughts:

    When you make a mistake, there are only three things you should ever do about it:
    1. Admit it. 2. Learn from it, and 3. Don’t repeat it.”  Paul “Bear” Bryant (Great Football Coach)

    Jeremiah 24:6

    I will set my eyes on them for good, and I will bring them back to this land. I will build them up, and not tear them down; I will plant them, and not uproot them.

    “I believe that my work is as much about words as basketball.  Choosing the right words to say to players is no less important than picking the starting line-up or court strategies.”
    -Mike Krzyzewski
    Sports Psychology Tips:

    Create Vision for Your Players:

    Great leaders, teachers, coaches and counselors very often, see potential in other people that they can’t see in themselves. It our job as a coach to provide vision into them. Players often need to  be told what they can become. Players need to be told what is possible. Players want direction for their life. Your words have the power to lift players up, push them in the right direction and create a vision for their future.

    • Choose to plant positive seeds
    • Choose to encourage someone today
    • Choose to speak hope
    • Choose to speak life into dreams
    • Choose to speak a vision of a great life
    • Choose to speak about potential; Not problems

    Keith McAdams Coaching Tips: Modelling The Performance Of Dan Girardi On Defens…

    Modelling New York Ranger Dan Girardi On Defense

    Teaching Points:
    • Intelligently Finishing Hits
    • Blocking Shots
    • Stick in Passing Lanes
    • Move the Puck
    Dan Girardi Stats 2011-12 Season:
    • Hits  211  8th in NHL
    • Blocked Shots  185 5th in NHL
    Related Videos & Teaching Points:

    Turkey’s #11 HAMARAT Galip & #10 TASDEMIR Gokturk Playing Great Defense on Penalty Killing – IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship DIV III 2012


    Slovakia Good Gap Control Leads To Quick Transitions in Neutral Ice


    The Job of the Head Coach: 

    You get to coach players as long as they let you. (Chuck Daly)

    Coaches who can outline plays on a black board are a dime a dozen. The ones who win get inside their player and motivate.
    -Vince Lombardi
    “The mediocre teacher tells, the good teacher explains, the superior teacher demonstrates, the great teacher inspires.”
     -William Arthur Ward

    Czech Republic 2-1-2 Overload Defensive Zone Coverage

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    •  2-1-2 Overload Defensive Zone Coverage


    • Taking away time and space


      • Overload 5 players one side of ice

      Mistakes Made by Czech Republic:

      • Czech players were in good position; But sticks not on ice


      • Overload when puck is in corner
      • Overload when puck is on boards


      • Maintain 2-1-2 Defensive Balance

      • Always have pressure on puck
      • Sticks must be on ice
      • Maintain Man You Goal

      • Move quickly when puck is moved from one side of ice to other


      • Always have pressure on puck carrier
      • Always out number the opposition
      • Finish your checks
      • 1st man body, 2nd man puck
      • Man, You, Goal
      • Body in shooting lane
      • Sticks in passing lanes

      Related Videos & Teaching Points:

      Power Thoughts:

      “At Boston University, I motivated negatively.  I found that although it can work at first, by the end of the year, everyone is dying for the year to end and you have lost them.  The last two years at BU I motivated positively and got much better
      -Rick Pitino
      Leadership Tips:

      John C. Maxwell’s brand new book, “The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth” 

      • The Law of Modeling: It’s Hard to Improve When You Have No One But Yourself to Follow
      • The Law of the Mirror: You Must See Value in Yourself to Add Value to Yourself
      • The Law of the Rubber Band: Growth Stops When You Lose the Tension Between Where You Are and Where You Could Be
      • The Law of Contribution: Developing Yourself Enables You to Develop Others

              Defensive Zone Coverage Mistakes By Turkey: World University Game 2011 – Part 2

              Turkey Fails to Execute Following Teaching Points:

              Turkey allowed Korea to set up 2 v 1’s throughout game 

              Defensive Zone Mistakes: Turkey v. Korea World University Games 2011 – Part 1:


              • Turkey does not seem to have any set coverage.

              Five Turkish players are in straight line.


              Teaching Points 2-1-2 Woman’s World University Games 2011

              Strategy & System:


              Related Videos & Teaching Points:

              Power Thoughts:

              “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”
              –William A. Ward

              Sports Psychology Tips:

              The problem maybe with your thoughts or feelings, but the answer is in actions. Create a plan, set goals and take action today.  Everyday you need to be taking action to achieve your goals and dreams. 

              Take Action Today:
              “Never confuse movement with action.”
              Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961)

                                   Micheal Phelps – 5 YEARS NO DAYS OFF

              Keith McAdams Coaching Tips: USA Creating Problems for Finland on Defensive Zon…

              USA Creating Problems for Finland on Defensive Zone Face Offs

              Moving Behind Center for Shot
               Moving Puck Back to Point & Across
              Wing @ Hash Mark Moves Puck Back to Wing @ Top of Circle for Shot

              Team USA Scores Goal on 4 v 4 Offensive Zone Face Off

              Power Thoughts:

              “Goals determine what you’re going to be.”
              -Julius Erving

              “If you’re bored with life — you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things — you don’t have enough goals.”
              -Lou Holtz

              “My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose – somehow we win out.”
              -Ronald Reagan

              “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.”
              -Earl Nightingale

              Sports Psychology Tips:
              Outcome Goal: 
              Is a goal that you do not have 100% control of.  For example, I will win a gold medal.

              Performance Goal: 
              Is a goal you have 100% control over. For example, I will get up each day at 6:00 am every morning and run. 

              Action Step for Today
              1. Write down the  five most important outcome goals, you want to achieve in the next twelve months. You must make a commitment to achieving them – no matter what it takes.
              2. Write down the performance goals you will need to achieve in each of the above goals. 
              3. Performance goals are key to creating positive momentum to achieve your outcome goals.

              Keith McAdams Coaching Tips: Norway Control Breakout & Rush

              Norway Control Breakout & Rush


              Control Breakout:  

              • Follow a set pattern


              • Stop behind net
              • Control skate
              • Timing
              • Filling three lanes
              • Width & depth in the attack


              • Control Breakout, Sure Entry, Possession, Set up


              • Move the puck to the fastest skater
              • Form Offensive Triangle
              Related Videos & Teaching Points:

              Power Thoughts:

              “Winning is the most important thing in my life, after breathing. Breathing first, winning next.”
              -George Steinbrenner

              “One way to break up any kind of tension is good deep breathing.”
              -Byron Nelson

              Sports Psychology Tips:


              1. The concentration of attention and energy on your game.
              2. One deep, slow breath
              3. Your breath must be slow, but game functional. 
              4. You need to teach yourself to breathe deeply throughout the game.
              5. Practice breathing deeply during your practice.

              One Deep Breath Will Mean a Lot to Your Game: 

              • On bench – Sit tall and breathe deeply
              • On face off –  Be in good hockey position and breathe deeply.
              • During the game – Pick your spot and have one good deep breath.

              Keith McAdams Coaching Tips: Team Canada Defensive Zone Face Off – Weak Side Wi…

              Good teams breakout out of their defensive zone quickly. Getting available quickly is the key to effective breakouts.

              Team Canada Positioning on Face Off:

              • Center on Center
              • Defense boards side must pick up wing
              • Defense picks up wing middle ice 
              • Middle forward through middle between center & defense for loose puck, Go to point or pick up loose puck
              • Outside wing moves out to cover point

              • Strong Side Wing going through middle must stop and get loose puck
              • Weak Side Winger post up quickly on the boards down near goal line
              • See the puck
              • Call for the puck
              • Stick should be on the ice as a target for pass
              • Always face the play
              Related Videos & Teaching Points:

              Power Thoughts: 

              “Offense is spacing…spacing is offense.” –Chuck Daly

              “Instead of focusing on that circumstances that you cannot change – focus strongly and powerfully on the circumstances that you can.”  – Joy Page 

              Sports Psychology Tips:

              1969 World Champions, ‘ Amazin’ Mets:

               I wanted advise how to become a great catcher. I was 10 years old.  Jerry Grote, the great New York Mets catcher told me the following:

              “Focus on what you want; Not what you do not want. A good catcher tell the pitcher what to do, not what not to do.”  -Jerry Grote